Wednesday, September 18, 2024

MACC still unable to locate Muhyiddin's son-in-law

MACC still unable to locate Muhyiddin's son-in-law

Haspaizi Zain
Published: Sep 18, 2024 5:31 PM

The MACC is still unable to locate Muhyiddin Yassin's son-in-law, Muhammad Adlan Berhan, who has disappeared since May last year.

MACC chief commissioner Azam Baki said this means that they can’t bring Adlan (above) home to be charged in court with criminal breaches of trust.

"He (Adlan) can’t be found. He cannot be traced to be brought back to Malaysia," he said briefly during a press conference in Putrajaya, today.

The MACC announced in June that they were seeking the assistance of Interpol and other relevant authorities to locate Adlan.

The graft buster was reportedly searching for Adlan and lawyer Mansoor Saat to assist in investigating a project concerning the misappropriation of biometric registration, recruitment, and data storage of foreign workers for a government ministry.

Azam Baki

Back in April, Azam revealed they had a lead on Adlan’s location through a detected credit card transaction.

On Aug 25, Inspector-General of Police Razarudin Husain confirmed that Adlan and Mansoor had been placed on Interpol’s red notice list due to the MACC's ongoing efforts to locate them.

No involvement in GISBH case

In a separate matter, Azam clarified that the commission is not involved in the Global Ikhwan Service and Business Holdings (GISBH) investigation.

As there were no elements of corruption found, he said the case had been fully handed over to the police.

"We are leaving this matter to the police. The MACC will not interfere. So, the police can proceed with the investigation without interference from the MACC," he stated.

The controversy surrounding GISBH erupted after a police raid on Sept 11 at 20 welfare homes in Selangor and Negeri Sembilan.

This operation resulted in the rescue of 402 children and the arrest of 171 individuals.

The raids were initiated following a police report on Sept 2, which alleged child abandonment, sexual abuse, and harassment occurring within the homes.

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