Thursday, September 05, 2024

LFL urges PM to set up inquiry commission into deaf driver assault case

LFL urges PM to set up inquiry commission into deaf driver assault case

Ili Aqilah
Published: Sep 5, 2024 5:41 PM

Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) and 35 other NGOs have called on Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim to establish a commission of inquiry into the assault of a deaf e-hailing driver by a police officer.

Speaking to the media, LFL director Zaid Malek pointed out that although the investigation papers have been submitted to the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC), no charges have been brought against the officer involved.

“The police stated that investigation papers were submitted twice - on June 5 and July 27 - to the prosecutors. These submissions included the video of the incident that was shared by e-hailing driver Ong Ing Keong. Yet, what has happened since then? Nothing,” Zaid remarked.

“Ong had to come again today. Because for him to seek justice, he has to be close to those in power to submit a memorandum. This is a clear indication of a failing system.

“Justice delayed is justice denied,” Zaid (above) said after submitting the memorandum alongside Ong in Putrajaya today.

On May 28, the 48-year-old was assaulted by a police officer escorting Johor Regent Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim.

Inspector-General of Police Razarudin Husain previously confirmed on June 5 that the investigation papers had been handed over to the AGC but no criminal charge has been brought against the police officer involved despite clear video evidence of the attack upon Ong.

Hours later, Razarudin said the police personnel involved had been subjected to disciplinary action following an internal investigation.

However, the police chief later told Malaysiakini that the officer was disciplined over a separate matter, which involved his failure to declare his assets.

Five demands

The memorandum, supported by 147 individuals, including those with disabilities, demanded the following:

  • Clarification from the prime minister on why no action has been taken against the police officer who assaulted Ong, as well as other individuals involved.

  • For the prime minister to establish a commission of inquiry to investigate the significant failures in handling Ong’s case investigation.

  • An explanation of why the attorney-general has failed to take any action to date.

  • An investigation into all police officers involved, including the individual claiming to be a “representative of the palace”, who allegedly coerced Ong into filing an additional police report to cover up the investigation.

  • Prosecution of the police escort officer who assaulted Ong, as well as any other officers or individuals implicated.

Six individuals, including Zaid and Ong, submitted the memorandum, which was received by the prime minister’s senior private secretary Aznur Hafeez Kaswuri.

Zaid told the media that Aznur assured them the memorandum would be passed on to Anwar.

Among those backing the memorandum were the Deaf Advocacy and Well-being National Organisation (Dawn), Autism Inclusiveness Direct Action Group (Aida), PSM, former senator Ras Adiba Radzi, and child disability activist Dr Amar Singh HSS.

Commenting further, Zaid expressed disappointment at being unable to meet with other ministers, as Anwar is not in the country.

E-hailing driver Ong Ing Keong (left)

“When we learnt that Anwar wasn’t available, I requested a meeting with the deputy prime ministers, as we have two, to submit the memorandum.

“If that couldn’t be arranged, we hoped to meet with any minister from the Prime Minister’s Department. We didn’t want this to be a formality where we submit and leave,” Zaid explained.

“Despite discussing this with the relevant officers, no such meeting was arranged. We conveyed our disappointment to Aznur, who assured us the memorandum would reach Anwar,” he said.

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