Friday, September 20, 2024

GISBH deviant, operations unIslamic, says Perlis mufti in fatwa



GISBH deviant, operations

unIslamic, says Perlis

mufti in fatwa


Asri Zainul Abidin cites exploitation and oppression within the organisation and declares that all related activities are now prohibited.

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Perlis mufti Asri Zainul Abidi said all teachings, activities, and support for Global Ikhwan Services and Business Holding have been declared prohibited. (Facebook pic)

Perlis mufti Asri Zainul Abidin has declared that Global Ikhwan Services and Business Holdings (GISBH) promotes deviant beliefs and operates businesses in an unIslamic manner, following a review by the state fatwa committee.

Asri said the committee concluded that GISBH’s beliefs are a continuation of those adopted by the banned Al-Arqam movement and that they foster a cult-like devotion to its leaders, elevating them to a status comparable to Prophet Muhammad.

Among the concerning practices highlighted are the blind veneration of leaders, taking blessings from their physical remains, and fabricating new shariah rulings to justify their activities, he said.

Asri said the committee also found that GISBH’s economic practices do not align with Islamic principles.

This is due to elements of oppression and enslavement of those involved and the exploitation of members, children, women and families for the benefit of the leaders,
 he said in a fatwa issued today.

Therefore, all teachings, activities, and anything that supports GISBH are prohibited.

The fatwa follows heightened concerns over GISBH after police raided 20 welfare homes – 18 in Selangor and two in Negeri Sembilan – last week and rescued 402 children, some of whom were allegedly sexually abused or taught to assault others.

While Inspector-General of Police Razarudin Husain had reportedly said the 20 welfare homes were linked to GISBH, the company has since denied operating the homes.

GISBH owns supermarkets, minimarkets, bakeries, 120 restaurants and other businesses in Malaysia, the Middle East, Europe and China, according to a 2022 report.

It previously said it had discarded its former image as the business wing of Al-Arqam and is currently positioned as a multinational company.

The Islamic development department (Jakim) said it would bring a report on suspected deviant teachings involving GISBH to the Cabinet, the national religious affairs council, and the Conference of Rulers.

In the fatwa, Asri also called on the Muslim community to help rehabilitate former members of the group, including using zakat funds for education, legal aid, and providing employment opportunities.

Schools with a true ‘Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah’ curriculum should assist by accepting the children of GISBH to provide them with appropriate education,
 he said.

Private companies are also encouraged to assist in providing job opportunities to help former members reintegrate into society.

At the same time, all parties remain vigilant to ensure they do not return to these deviant teachings,
 he said.

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