Thursday, September 12, 2024

Decision on halal cert under Conference of Rulers' purview - Zahid

Decision on halal cert under Conference of Rulers' purview - Zahid

Published: Sep 12, 2024 1:50 PM

Any decision regarding the proposed mandatory halal certification is subject to the Conference of Rulers, said Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

Therefore, there is no need for any quarters to get riled up over the issue, especially when it is still in the proposal stage.

“It (mandatory halal certification) is still in the proposal stage and has not yet become a (government) policy. I don’t think anyone should be upset about the matter.

“Matters pertaining to Islamic affairs, including the halal issue, are under the Conference of Rulers’ jurisdiction. So whether or not the proposal is made mandatory, would depend on the Conference of Rulers,” Berita Harian quoted Zahid, who is also the chairperson of the Malaysia Halal Council (MHM), telling reporters at the end of his visit to China today.

The issue began when DAP’s Seputeh MP Teresa Kok objected to a proposal by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Mohd Na’im Mokhtar for all food establishments that do not serve pork or alcohol to obtain halal certification.

Kok had said the move would burden businesses and subject Malaysia to global ridicule.

Following this, 50 police reports were lodged against the DAP vice-chairperson, who is now being investigated under the Penal Code as well as the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.

Applicants, stakeholders consulted

Elaborating, Zahid said that the MHM and Islamic Development Department (Jakim) have already taken measures to shorten the waiting period for the approval of halal certification applications.

“The process used to take nine months and was later shortened to 23 working days.

“Now it has been further shortened to 15 working days, from the date of application, provided all the criteria are fulfilled.”

According to Zahid, Jakim had already engaged halal certification applicants and other stakeholders before the move to shorten the approval timeframe.

“Jakim makes clear what are the rules to be followed to facilitate the process. Therefore, it is unfair to accuse it of delaying (the applications’ approval).”

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