Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Blogger RPK dies in UK, aged 74



Blogger RPK dies in UK,

aged 74


The death of the controversial blogger was confirmed by his brother, Raja Idris.

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Raja Petra Kamarudin had published numerous commentaries and articles on Malaysian politics on his website, Malaysia Today.

Blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin died in the UK on Monday night, aged 74.

His death was confirmed by his brother, Raja Idris, this morning.

It is with great sadness that I am informing you that my loving brother, Raja Petra Kamarudin, has just passed away at 11.26pm UK time on Monday Sept 9 in Manchester, UK,
 he said in a brief text to FMT.

Raja Petra, popularly known as RPK, was born on Sept 27, 1950.

He ran the Malaysia Today website, which published commentaries and articles on Malaysian politics, which were often controversial.

He was twice detained under the Internal Security Act – in 2001 and 2008.

Raja Petra had been residing in Manchester for a number of years.


kt comments:

A sad day when one reads of the passing away of a man I called 'friend'. His wife Marina stated on his website that Pet (RPK) passed away due to blood infection that spread to his lungs and then to his liver.

RPK was a rather unique sopo blogger, probably No 1 within the Malaysian blogosphere for many many years. He 'popularised' the word 'SD' (statutory declaration) in his article on the Altantuyaa Shaariibuu's murder (prior to that, only lawyers knew what a 'SD' was/is, now almost every Malaysian adult knows).

Courageous and often provocative (his enemies would called that 'slanderous', wakakaka), he knew how to draw readers' attention. His followers either adore (or admire) or alternatively, detest him for his controversial works. He wrote and subsequently spoke on YouTube without "fear or favour" (borrowing a phrase from the title of the late Tan Sri Tan Chee Koon's Star column).

Personally I think he took delight in teasing his readers by deliberately annoying them. Almost worshipped in earlier days, he then found general disfavour towards his ending years as he moved gradually from a neutralised (or even anti kerajaan pro Pakatan) stand to a more 'lobby-ish' position as he blogged for or against some politicians and/or personalities. On this I passed no judgement on RPK as he has every right to do what he as a sopo blogger wished.
But I believe, and want to wish for him that, he found peace in his final years in the UK, the land of his Mom. I will miss him and his writings/YouTube narrations.
Rest in peace Brother Pet, you have worked hard for long, now enjoy your abode of tranquility.
For more of RPK, please read Cilisos'
How did Raja Petra Kamarudin turn from Anwar’s loyal supporter, to his biggest enemy?


  1. Rest in Peace.

    In spite of many disagreements with his opinions, I regularly accessed his videos.
    In fact he was still vlogging on YouTube right until last week.

    Last few months he looked gaunt, and seemed obvious he was facing major health issues.

  2. Thank you Kaytee, beautiful epithet. That summed just about right about him. Rest in peace Uncle Pet 🙏
