Sunday, September 08, 2024

Biz-savvy Malays back Teresa Kok for indirectly protecting interest of small Muslim F&B operators

Focus Malaysia:

Biz-savvy Malays back Teresa Kok for indirectly protecting interest of small Muslim F&B operators

FARSIGHTED Malays have come out in droves to lend moral support to DAP vice-chairman Teresa Kok who has come under ferocious attack by UMNO Youth chief Datuk Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh for objecting to the Malaysian Islamic Development Department’s (JAKIM) mooting of a mandatory halal certification for alcohol/pork-free eateries.

In so doing, they lambasted the rightist Merlimau state assemblyman for merely riding in religion to gain political mileage as he rudely bombarded the six-term Seputeh MP by insulting her as Nyonya Tua (literally Old Lady) and “don’t you dare to touch our religion”.

Commenting on a post by ironically opposition-slant Solisidtor (@Solisidtor) that Akmal has gone too far by labelling Kok as “Nyonya Tua”, one sensible commenter remarked that if JAKIM gets its way, it will be inevitable for small Malay businesses like pasar malam traders or roadside burger sellers having to toe the line, too.

“See who will champion their cause when they complain about the cost of getting a halal certificate which is burdensome and so on. Think first, brother, before speaking,” he shared as one commenter reckoned that Kok’s counter-argument “is rational and can be discussed from various angles”.

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