Monday, September 09, 2024

Anwar denies claims govt preventing 3R-related discussions



Anwar denies claims govt

preventing 3R-related



The prime minister says his administration only wants to thwart any attempt to incite the public as it could lead to chaos.

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Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim (left) tells Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin that calling for violence or instigating fights between races is something he would not compromise on.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has dismissed the opposition’s accusations that his administration was preventing discussions revolving around religion, race and royalty, better known as the 3R issues.

Anwar said the government only wanted to thwart any attempt to incite the public as it could lead to chaos.

That’s not true,
 Anwar said, referring to Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin’s claim.

“Go ahead and discuss race and religious matters. And if one is unsatisfied, by all means protest. But what we won’t allow is incitement.

Calling for violence or instigating fights between races for whatever reason is something I will not compromise on to ensure the safety of the people and the nation,
 he said in a speech to commemorate the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia’s (Suhakam) 25th anniversary.

In a statement yesterday, Muhyiddin claimed the party’s efforts to defend Malay and Bumiputera rights, as well as upholding the position of Islam as enshrined in the Federal Constitution, were being framed as 3R crimes.

We are accused of incitement and face threats of prosecution even though our aim is merely to uphold the legitimate struggle of our party,
 he said.

Anwar went on to say that every political party in the country must be mindful of the fact that the royal institution should not be dragged into politics.

He said the royalty could not respond to claims made about them.


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