Monday, September 09, 2024

Adventures in Noddyland: Teresa Kok police investigation

Murray Hunter

Adventures in Noddyland: Teresa Kok police investigation

Blatant disrespect by Anwar towards his coalition partner the DAP

Sep 08, 2024

The dramatic public announcement by the nearly anointed ‘Tan Sri’ Razarudin Husain has firmly placed Malaysia in Noddyland. Abusing his power, Razarudin has become a political attack dog against a member of the cabinet, on behalf of his boss.

In Malaysia police are politicians (or their attack dogs).

The Inspector-General of the police ignoring Article 10 of the Constitution giving Malaysians freedom of speech, says the Teresa Kok’s remarks on the move to make halal registration compulsory, may constitute an offence under the penal code and the Communications and Multimedia Act, which is now used as a clandestine sedition act to suppress any speech the government doesn’t like.

Last week, Teresa Kok said that the JAKIM compulsory restaurant halal registration proposal should remain voluntary. Kok is reflecting wide community sentiment across all groups.

Prime minister Anwar Ibrahim threw Kok under a bus in saying her comments stirred up unnecessary controversy. DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke defended his fellow party member and cabinet minister, saying Kok is just expressing her constituents’ thoughts and feelings.

Anwar is once again using the race card to assist his Machiavellian political manoeuvrings. This is just another incremental step in estranging himself from the DAP, which played the major role in creating Pakatan Harapan over the last 15 years. Just like a frog being slowly boiled in water, the DAP still hasn’t realised the reality.

Is the DAP leadership smarter than a frog?

This is in contrast to the ‘Allah sock’ issue, where UMNO youth leader Akmal Selah ranted and raved, stirring up racial discord, while Anwar remained silent. Akmal’s use of a picture of him with a Samurai sword in social media, drew no attention from the politically controlled MCMC, under the control of UMNO stalwart Salim Fateh Din. No conflict of interest here.

This absurd persecution of Teresa Kok by prime minister Anwar Ibrahim is dangerous, and has brought Malaysia down to Noddyland status.

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