Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Ensuring integrity in government contracting


Dennis Ignatius


~ Provoking discussion, dissent & debate on politics, diplomacy, human rights & civil society.

Ensuring integrity in government contracting

[1] News that Hannah Yeoh’s husband won a Selangor government contract has attracted a lot of attention, and rightly so. Whenever family members of serving politicians win government contracts, citizens have a right to question just how kosher the deal was.

[2] Remember that we live in a country with a long history of politicians abusing their power to enrich themselves. Indeed, many of our politicians and their family members have become exceedingly wealthy through government contracts. And how often have we heard them justify their abuse of power with arguments like it was all above board, that they had no hand in the decision to award a contract to a family member, that it is not fair to exclude a well-qualified bidder simply because he or she may be related to a politician, etc. After years of corruption and abuse, voters know to be sceptical about such assurances.

[3] Time and again, voters have made clear their unhappiness over contracts being awarded to family members of politicians. Indeed, support for Pakatan Harapan was largely premised upon the coalition’s promise to put an end to decades of corruption, nepotism and the abuse of power. Given public sensitivities, it is surprising that the state government didn’t go the extra mile to ensure greater transparency in awarding the contract. 

[4] Apart from being one of the better performing ministers in Cabinet, Hannah Yeoh is known for her integrity; I cannot see her pulling strings to steer the contract to her husband or otherwise abusing her power. And, having listened carefully to her husband’s side of the story on a recent podcast, I’m sure he’s sincere and more than qualified for the task at hand. But, given the long history of abuse in the awarding of contracts and the general lack of trust in politicians, the concern of civil society groups and the public at large is not unwarranted. 

[5] MACC chief Azam Baki’s rush to judgement – dismissing the case even before a proper investigation could be carried out – only heightened public wariness. How does the public have confidence in the integrity of an organization that digs deep when it involves critics of the government but rushes to clear members of the government? The MCMC’s blocking of lawyer Shamsher Singh Thind’s critique of the contract didn’t help either.

[6] Some politicians from previous administrations have seized upon the issue to cast aspersions on Hannah’s reputation. It is, of course, sheer hypocrisy for those who have long tolerated the abuse of power and even profited from it themselves to throw stones now.  

[7] The whole controversy highlights the need for greater integrity and consistency in the government’s procurement and tendering process. If we condemned the award of contracts to family members and cronies in the past, we must be consistent in demanding accountability and transparency in this case too. If we don’t demand answers in this case just because it involves the PH government or  a respected minister we lose the right to question contracts awarded by future governments. 

[8] Given the horrific abuses in the past and the real possibility of it happening again, I am inclined to the view that as a rule family members of politicians ought to be excluded from bidding for government contracts. It may be unfair to them, but it is the price that politicians (and their families) must pay in the interest of protecting the integrity of the procurement and tendering process and maintaining public trust. Politicians, in any case, ought to be held to higher standards given the immense power they wield.

[9] If some unique and special circumstances warrant consideration of a family member of a minister, extra steps must be taken to ensure full transparency and the integrity of the whole process. At the end of the day, the public must be satisfied that everything was done to ensure that there was not even a hint of impropriety in the awarding of government contracts. Voters and taxpayers deserve nothing less. 

[Dennis Ignatius | 5th June 2024]


  1. Theme: Integrity

    Came across the following x post.

    "John Wiley and Sons, a major academic publisher, is currently retracting more than 11,300 “peer-reviewed” science papers that they had previously published. These papers were once regarded as cutting-edge science and were cited numerous times by other academic researchers. Now these scientific papers – which often relied on taxpayer dollars for research funding – are being revealed as fraudulent.
    Additionally, the 217-year-old publisher announced the closure of 19 journals due to large-scale research fraud. The fake papers often contained nonsensical phrases generated by AI to avoid plagiarism detection. Examples include “breast cancer” referred to “bosom peril” and “fluid dynamics” written as “gooey stream.” In one paper, “artificial intelligence” was called “counterfeit consciousness.”

    These systemic issues of fraud have significantly damaged the legitimacy of scientific research and damaged the integrity of scientific journals. The academic publishing industry, valued at nearly $30 billion, faces a credibility crisis."

    Author linked to the following...

    Did a search under wiley+retract, and not exactly mainstream source but worth a check through...


    Not exactly new, but good to read through, given many integrity issue surfacing, as recently as early this week, where Japan major car manufacturer, Toyota, Subaru appeared in an article in very negative light.

  2. Or, another way to de-legitimate valid research that challenged the narrative, in particularly those related to the pandemic, as a mean to cover up any crimes?


    This is interesting.

    It seems that there has been a lot of editing to scientific journals in general since 2020.

    As in, removing any research the government doesn’t want you to see.

    Trust ‘the science.’

    I always had my doubts about the ‘research ‘ process.

    I took two research courses- one in undergraduate school and one as a graduate student.

    In both courses (and this was decades ago when they were actually trying to educate rather than indoctrinate to a ridiculous degree) I saw how bias was inevitable when humans are involved.

    Researchers are almost unable to eliminate it when trying to reach the ‘desired’ outcome.

    It is usually without intent but cannot be detected by those doing the research because of their inherent bias.

    The past four years have completely eliminated any faith I might have in ‘science.’

    Maybe that will change.

    Maybe not.

  3. On another integrity issue front...


    Gary Gensler & Jim Cramer spoke about Roaring Kitty and $GME, GameStop indirectly today.

    Jim Cramer implies Roaring Kitty's memes are not proper disclosure, while Gary Gensler implies SEC might be investigating

    They also speak about Congressional trading.

    Here is the full vid


    Insider trading in Congress must be the biggest focus right now

    It’s getting out of hand


    Could not help recalling 1980s Michael Douglas' Wall Street Gordon Gekko in reverse. Lots of pertinent questions asked for consideration.


    Redacted: GameStop just DESTROYED Wall Street and now the SEC is trying to stop it.

    "Wall Street is hunting the retail investor who is not playing by their rules, according to the Wall Street Journall. Keith Gill is the regular guy who continues to cause surges in stocks that Wall Street cannot control and they hate him for it. The WSJ reports that E*Trade may consider booting Gill from its platform and that the SEC is after him too. For whatt??"

    1. Saw the recorded version of his yt livestream last night showing the price dropped from 60 to just below 30. The "kitty" seems to be unfazed by it despite the massive drop of his share holding worth... "heard" in the comment section something about RICO...did he set them up with a racketeering crime evidence?

      Seems like the story is to be continued...


      Today, RoaringKitty, aka DeepF**kingValue, made nearly $586 million (which is unrealized still) with his GameStop, $GME, options and shares.

      He passed Nancy Pelosi in net worth, who has around $350 million.

  4. The theme is still integrity. There are questions within but it is up to Malaysians as a whole to decide if they want to pursue it. I so happen to think the links, thus the theme within the links, are connected...


    Dr. Francis Boyle, international law professor and drafter of the US Treaty for Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism (signed into law by GHW Bush), has officially joined a Writ of Mandamus filing in the State of Florida declaring COVID-19 injections to be weapons of mass destruction.

    The affidavit reads: “It my expert opinion that ‘COVID-19 nanoparticle injections’ or ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ or ‘COVID-19 injections’, meet the criteria of biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction according to Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla.Stat. (2023).”…


    Michael Mosley was a respected tv doctor that used his platform to promote & push covid vaccines on the public.

    Now that the truth about covid vaccines has become mainstream the people that profited from promoting a dangerous product to the public are being publicly humiliated and exposed.

    For many people these people deserve to be incarcerated as they have profited from the death and misery of others.

    This is one of the worst deceptions and genocides the world has ever known and those that promoted it will be remembered in history.

    #JAILtheWEF #ENDtheNWO

    NB: there is no evidence this Dr Mosley took his own as alleged by the above x post, however, the sentiment for justice is present amongst people who are aware of what is going on ~ mf


    There is a sense of being letdown by those in trust, and mindful that what had and is still going on have a sliritual dimension, does it absolved the people involved from guilt? Nuremberg code do not recognize part about "just following order" or something along those line. ~mf
