Monday, March 18, 2024

The Australian (newspaper) should be ‘contemptuously ignored’, Keating says


The Australian (newspaper) should be ‘contemptuously ignored’, Keating says

by Daniel Hurst

Former prime minister Paul Keating has defended plans to meet with China’s foreign minister Wang Yi in Sydney this week. Photograph: Bianca de Marchi/AAP

The Australian (newspaper) should be ‘contemptuously ignored’, Keating says

Paul Keating ended the statement with a sting:

The Australian newspaper, for its part, remains trenchantly anti-Chinese. So it is no surprise that such a distorted report should appear in today’s edition. The Australian prosyletises that Australia either is or could be a Chinese military target. But the same newspaper urges Australia to sell the Chinese ever more tonnages of iron ore, presumably so that China would have no trouble putting together the armaments of
scale necessary to actually attack and damage us.

This is how mixed up The Australian’s editorial policy is and why it should be ignored. More than that, contemptuously ignored.


  1. Paul Keating should be ignored.

    He knows which side of his bread is buttered , and it ain't necessarily Australia's best interests, especially National Security interests.

    His pronouncements should be treated with a great deal of caution.

    1. Say that AGAIN & AGAIN to yr mfering self!
