Saturday, March 02, 2024



Saturday, March 2, 2024




  • Home Minister : Kelantan one of highest sexual crimes despite syariah
  • Kelantan high number sexual crimes against children despite syariah
  • Home Minister said not failure of civil law behind rise of rape cases
  • Kelantan population 98% Malay Muslim, and has own Syariah
  • Yet, highest number of sexual crimes, upward trend, numbers don't lie
  • Cases increasing in Kedah, Terengganu 
  • Penang has dropped between 2022 and last year
  • police statistics show rape, molest, pornograpy, sexual assault, incest mostly B40
  • 75% from B40, those in lower economic groups.
  • M40 group - 67% are Malays.
  • 46% sexual crimes among friends, 25% among family, 9% strangers

My Comments:

Ustaz rogol dihukum mati ditembak :


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