Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Russians Use US$550 Drones To Destroy THREE US$10.0 Million American MI Abrams Tank In One Week


Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Russians Use US$550 Drones To Destroy THREE US$10.0 Million American MI Abrams Tank In One Week

Well the much vaunted (and now taunted) American MI Abrams tanks have arrived in Ukraine. Only to be blown up by Russian forces. After a ONE YEAR delay the Americans delivered 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine and they first appeared for combat on February 25th 2024. The next day February 26th the first Abrams tank was blown up by Russian forces. In the week since then two more Abrams tanks have been destroyed. 

       US$550 Drone improvised to carry RPG7               grenade round.

The Russians are using a US$550 hand launched drone and they have improvised it (using duct tape of course)  to carry a grenade (weight about 2.5 kg)  taken from an RPG7 round and fly the drone directly into the Abrams tanks (see screenshot above). The US$10.0 million Abrams tank catches fire and burns.

Here is a short video: 




  1. Well over a thousand Russian Milo tin cans have been ripped open and burnt by Ukrainian patriots since February 24 , 2022.

  2. Ukrainian patriots?


    Masquerading NATO soldiers!

  3. https://twitter.com/ShadowofEzra/status/1766588393050320983?t=hvCBRl_Dijc80N-HBGr84w&s=19

    Anecdotal sighting of military equipment movement in France towards Ukraine. How true it is, remains to be seen but, isn't any military asset movement top secret and under heavy disinformation campaign of diversion?
