Monday, March 18, 2024

Oz Government reverses cancelled Gaza visas


‘We are delighted’: Government reverses cancelled Gaza visas

Several Palestinians fleeing the war in Gaza who were devastated after their visas were cancelled while en route to Australia have again been granted permission to travel to the country, a move that has thrilled advocates in Australia. A government source, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed several visa cancellations had been reversed following checks. The visas had been cancelled in cases where individuals left Gaza without explanation or there had been a significant change in their circumstances, the source said.

Rasha Abbas, executive director of the Palestine Australia Relief and Action group, said eight of the 11 Palestinians her organisation was assisting had been told their cancelled visas had been reinstated. She said she was hopeful of the same outcome for the three remaining people. Among Gazans who have had their visas reinstated is Cassandra, a mother from southern Gaza whose case was highlighted by the Herald last week. Cassandra, who used a pseudonym to protect her identity, said she and her children were initially allowed to board a flight from Cairo, with a stopover at another Middle Eastern airport.

However, after being told she could not board the final flight of her journey, Cassandra said she was given the option of sending her children – both aged under 13 – to Australia without any parental supervision. She said she had spent thousands of dollars on visa applications and flights, money she feared had been wasted as the Coalition complained the government was approving visas too hastily. It comes as a second cargo of food aid, led by the United Arab Emirates and charities, is readied for shipment from Cyprus to Gaza. One in three children aged under 2 in northern Gaza is now acutely malnourished, the UN says. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is also resisting growing criticism from the US against his leadership, describing calls for a new election as “wholly inappropriate”.

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