Friday, March 08, 2024

Malaysian PM attacks Western leaders over hypocrisy, urges Gaza support

 Sydney Morning Herald:

the Malaysian PM accuses the West of hypocrisy and urges Australia to reinstate aid to Gaza.

Malaysian PM attacks Western leaders over hypocrisy, urges Gaza support

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has accused Western nations of hypocritically railing against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine while overlooking alleged Israeli human rights abuses. Anwar, pictured yesterday in Canberra, revealed he had personally lobbied Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to urgently restart funding for the United Nations’ agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA). Funding was suspended amid allegations some agency employees took part in Hamas’ October 7 attack in Israel.

Anwar said it was crucial that world leaders not selectively apply international law as nations such as the US and Australia demand China complies with global maritime rules in the South China Sea. He said the West had been “utterly silent on the relentless bloodletting” in Gaza and warned it was a “fool’s errand” to believe other countries, including in the Indo-Pacific, would not notice those inconsistencies. In a pointed speech, the leader of Muslim-majority Malaysia also took aim at the “self-serving nature of the much vaunted rules-based order”.

The Canadian government is reportedly poised to resume funding to the UNRWA, paving the way for Australia to potentially do the same given that Canada, Australia and New Zealand have taken a unified approach on the war in Gaza in recent months. It comes as the European Union increases pressure for the creation of a sea route to deliver humanitarian aid to northern Gaza. The Palestinian death toll has risen to more than 30,700, according to the Hamas-run Ministry of Health. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen


  1. That Anwar Madani speech alone is probably worth multi Billion US Dollars worth of Negative Foreign Direct Investment.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      Matching up with all the positive inflows from sources mfer, like u, despised!
