Murray Hunter
“Allah Socks” furore is looking more like wilful sabotage of KK’s business
Dirty warfare against Malaysian businesses
MAR 21, 2024

Over the last week a furore has developed with great anger being shown towards KK Super Mart chain. Even the king has demanded serious action be taken against the culprit(s), who allowed socks with the word “Allah” embossed upon them being sold throughout its stores.
To date, 14 pairs of “Allah” embossed socks have been found in 3 stores. In Chinese mass-production systems, it would be extremely unlikely that such a mistake would happen. Its also unlikely KK looking for the sales of mass products would specifically specify limited quantities be printed with differing logos.
The word “Allah” is an extremely important word for Muslims, and if used inappropriately, would lead to the type of anger and hate that has been scene over the past week.
KK Super Mart management are fearful to say these pairs of socks were planted in their stores. By saying the socks were planted could backfire and lead to even more controversy. However, there are signs and indications that this is exactly what happened to KK Super Mart. An evil intended act to sabotage the company, either by someone at the supplier level, insiders at KK Super Mart, or a visitor from outside planting them on the shelves.
This is not a new type of warfare against manufacturers and retailers. Many foods have been spiked with poisons, ground up glass, or sharp objects over the years. Now we are possibly seeing this type of sabotage being carried out in Malaysia.
It was just too convenient that the socks were found and posted on social media, which was the weapon used to attack the reputation of KK Super Mart. The creation of the false brand was something evil a party planned and executed to deliberately hurt a corporation.

Why isn’t the professional PDRM not looking at this explanation?
The fact that no one in the media and no one within KK Super Market is brave enough to explore this hypothesis, indicates h
PDRM defends Agama, Bangsa and Negara.