Friday, February 28, 2014

Will National Consensus see Leopard returning to Mothership?

For years I have not let go of my belief that The Leopard which can't change its spots wants to return to the Mothership, wakakaka, kaytee's blend of David Attenborough's wildlife and Arthur C Clarke's sci-fi (eg. the Rama series).

Fiction as you may say, but please read on, wakakaka.

I then realized (still do, wakakaka) my suspicions were not far off when in April 2006 I noticed the Feline Predator's 'homesickness' wakakaka, which I posted in one of my A Bridge Too Far series.

In that post, I wrote of his eagerness to offer his assistance to the AAB government, stating he could draw from his experience in the government, the UMNO one of course wakakaka in which he was variously the very much disliked (by Chinese) Education Minister, Finance Minister, DPM and acting PM, the last when he crowed triumphantly of UMNO-BN Youth thugs' hooliganism in smashing up and derailing an international conference (APCET II), 

..... but not once about reformasi, nope, not once in his 16 years of very powerful UMNO life, and let the bells in the temple ring loudly on that note.

Incidentally, one of those UMNO Youth thugs who smashed up APCET II had been Saifuddin Nasution, PKR's current party sec-gen. For more, see my post Political violence - the nature of the beast.

yoohooo, can you see me?


Back to April 2006 - He claimed his experience as as UMNO Finance Minister between 1993 and 1998 (also DPM and acting PM) could help AAB resolve the crooked bridge affair with the Singapore government. He had then stated:

“I would not discount any possible meeting with Abdullah if he were to ask my views on the issues ... like the negotiations with Singapore on the bridge and even information on the negotiations with Indonesia on border issues.”

Wakakaka, and have you ever heard of him 'ambushing' AAB in Hulu Selangor when the PM went there to have lunch with a religious personality? Mind you, he happened to be there by 'coincidence', wakakaka.

And I was informed by a blogger friend who his special guests were at Nurul Izzah's wedding, those he seated inside his house while his devoted supporters had to do with being outside under his house under tents and such like props.

For a man who loves power at the very top and having tasted the very cream of power (at least until 1998), in a way I can't blame him for yearning for Mothership because the unfettered type of power in Malaysia even until today seems to be only available in UMNO, and thus to re-enjoy that, it would appear he has to get back into UMNO [where also, MCA unlike DAP is very kuai kuai, wakakaka].

Oh, didn't he once challenge via the court the legality of his expulsion from UMNO and thus his removal as DPM? If he had succeeded, he would have nicely been restored into his old position, a process which the game of mahjung has a wonderful term for that, to wit, sek k'ah loong*, wakakaka.

* or in Hokkien, chea k'ah loong

But alas, he sek char woo instead. I had posted the unfavourable outcome of his legal challenge on 08 March 2010 in Federal Court ruling - black yesterday, white today.

Then I had written about the court declaring that Anwar's dismissal as DPM [by then PM Dr M] is lawful because according to our marvellous judiciary in a volte-face to their Perak constitutional judgement, wakakaka, the king as a constitutional monarch was required to act in accordance with the advice of the PM.

Yes, thus I still believe Mr Manmanlai wants to return to the Mothership, and I detect glimpses of this yearning lately in talks of national unity, reconciliation, national consensus, god-what-else-have-you's.

Today, Pak Yasin (A. Kadir Yasin blogging as The Scribe) offers us what he terms as the lastest conspiracy theory abounding in his kopitiam, which he posted as The KKA version of Conspiracy Theory, where KKA stands for Kedai Kopi Assembly, wakakaka.

Pak Yasin, I just love this term and with your kind permission, may use it in my blogging.

Anyway, I hope Pak Yasin won't mind my extracting parts of his interesting post to reproduce here, in support of my belief that the Leopard wants to return to the Mothership, wakakaka, so here goes:

Our theory revolves around the much talked about reconciliation talk that, according to some pundits, will bring together two former friends turned foes – the Prime Minister Mohd Najib Abdul Razak and the Opposition Leader, Anwar Ibrahim.

Kajang By-election A Red Herring?

What if all the hogwash about Anwar’s candidacy in Kajang State Legislative Assembly by-election and his taking over the Selangor Menteri Besar post are in fact a red herring intended to hide the backroom manoeuvring involving his camp and the PM’s operators?

What if a very influential aide to the PKR’s General Leader had already called on an equally influential member of the PM’s inner chamber to work out a deal whereby the “Ketua Umum” will join the Cabinet and be given a portfolio that makes him very powerful?

I wonder whether that 'very influential aide to the PKR General Leader had been Saifuddin Nasution who was in London - for more read FMT's
 PKR-Umno preliminary talks started last Christmas on 27 Jan 2014. Wakakaka

I like to deal with international stuff - London, APCET II, etc


PETALING JAYA: Is Anwar Ibrahim’s call for a national consensus between Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional a precursor to a planned PKR-Umno peace talks?

Earlier today Anwar told reporters that he welcomed Home Minister and Umno vice president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s positive response to the idea of the national consensus.

He added that he had tasked PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution to respond to Zahid on the matter, but dismissed talk that his call for consensus was an indication of a unity government. [...]

popular blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin said preliminary talks between PKR and Umno had started in London during the Christmas period last year.

“Saifuddin and Zahid both spent Christmas in London recently where they met to hammer out the details of PKR and Umno meeting at a ‘table talk’,” he wrote in his latest blog posting in Malaysia-Today. [...]

... popular blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin said preliminary talks between PKR and Umno had started in London during the Christmas period last year.

“Saifuddin and Zahid both spent Christmas in London recently where they met to hammer out the details of PKR and Umno meeting at a ‘table talk’,” he wrote in his latest blog posting in Malaysia-Today, [...]

... Saifuddin was asked if it was true that he had met up with Zahid even before Anwar’s call for national consensus.

He responded by saying that he regularly met Zahid and other Umno vice-presidents, Shafie Apdal and Hishamuddin Hussein. “as they are friends”.

“Zahid, Hisham and Shafie are my friends who I meet all the time – in the past, now and in the future,” he said. He however denied that they had discussed unity talks in their meetings.

Zahid today welcomed Anwar’s national consensus proposal and said that it would be taken into consideration by BN and Umno, but added that it was up to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to make the final decision.

It is uncertain as to how PKR’s Pakatan allies DAP and PAS would see the unity talks between PKR and Umno.

FMT learnt that Anwar had informed his close associates that he would not betray DAP and PAS.

Previously, Umno had invited PAS to be engaged in unity talks for the sake of race and religion but that process never got going.

Unity talks between PKR and Umno would also raise questions on the effectiveness of Anwar/PKR-backed Anything But Umno (Asalkan Bukan Umno, ABU) movement.

Anwar and Mohd Najib Were Once Umno Friends

Okay, back to Pak Yasin's post:

So powerful that it sends the shiver (in this dry burning weather) down the spine of his enemies and the PM’s critics or even gotten rid of them for good.

With the problem in the Selangor Government continuing to fester, Anwar knows the risk of his own people jumping ship. It’s a mistake to underestimate Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim’s resources and resourcefulness.

He was a business and a manager. He knows merger and acquisition better than Anwar and Mohd Azmin Ali. He could apply his M&A skills to politics.

He has the ability to swing Selangor away from PR if he feels that he is on the losing end. So entering into a deal with the PM is a good way for Anwar to checkmate Abdul Khalid if he harbours such an idea.

Abdul Khalid Was A Businessman, He knows M&A

The picture of Abdul Khalid, Mohd Najib and Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin beaming away during the signing of the memorandum of understanding on he Langat 2 water supply project on Wednesday could be telling a thousand words.

The Way To Fight Dr M and Daim

For the PM and members of his inner circle, if they believe that the criticisms by (Tun) Dr Mahathir Mohamad and (Tun) Daim Zainuddin can hurt them, a merger with Anwar is a grand strategy. They can count on Anwar to do battle with Dr Mahathir and Daim.

In one brilliant stroke, the PM strengthens his position, destroys the Pakatan Rakyat and rids himself of his critics. Anwar gets to enjoy the privileges and protection as a member of the government. And they can live happily ever after. [...]

March 29, 1982: Introducing The Newest Member of Umno

But has the DAP got wind of this so as to prompt its supremo, Lim Kit Siang, to ask in his blog: "Who drafted this national reconciliation plan and who had been consulted? This is still a great mystery up to now."

not unlike his son, Uncle Lim is also a mushroom, wakakaka.

So, I will be the last person to dismiss the reconciliation talk and of seeing Anwar being mainstream and politically correct once again. Politics, according to German Prussian politician, Otto von Bismarck (1815 - 1898), is the art of the possible.

For more, please read Pak Yasin's The KKA version of Conspiracy Theory.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Khalid Ibrahim does it to lil' Napoleon?

The Portuguese did it in 1810 to Napoleon’s army. They then recommended it Russia.

Thus the Russians did it in 1812, also to Napoleon’s army. It devastated Napoleon’s Grande Armรฉe.

Napoleon retreating from Moscow

130 years later, in 1941, the Russians did it again, that time to the German Army.

In 1991, Saddam Hussein did it to the Kuwaiti oil fields as the Iraqi military left Kuwait when Coalition forces advanced into that country. More than 600 oil fields were left burning. It took nearly a year to extinguish all of them.

Though there were many other examples in various countries and throughout recorded history from ancient times until the current Syrian civil war, the above four were the most well known examples of ‘scorched earth policies’.

Wikipedia has this to say about scorched earth policy: a military strategy which involves destroying anything that might be useful to the enemy while advancing through or withdrawing from an area.

It is a military strategy where all of the assets that are used or can be used by the enemy are targeted, such as food sources, transportation, communications, industrial resources, and even the people in the area.

Has Khalid Ibrahim just conducted a sco
rched earth policy in regards to the following report?

kowtim liao - don't f**k around with me


PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim said he and his party were not aware of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) inked between the Selangor state and the federal governments earlier today.

"I was kept updated about the previous contacts between Khalid Ibrahim (the menteri besar) and the ministry. 

"But this one, we were not aware. That is why I'm guarding my comments," Anwar, who is also the state economic advisor, said after attending a high-tea session in Kajang today. [...]

PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli admitted earlier today that PKR was not aware of the deal with Putrajaya.

It is understood that party leaders were only told of the matter after midnight early this morning and that the party leaders are currently waiting to see the contents of the MOU.

Meanwhile, Malaysiakini was only alerted by the state government of the signing of the MOU an hour before the event took place.

Then, the 
Malay Mail Online's Selangor water deal leaves Anwar out in the cold, says Zaid informs us:

mafulat, this Khalid

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s plans to privatise the Selangor water industry have been thwarted by the state government’s agreement with Putrajaya yesterday, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim claimed today.

Zaid ..... said the Selangor state’s deal with the federal government is a major blow for the de facto opposition leader and removes a key reason why he wants to become state chief minister.

“It won’t make a difference now if Anwar wins Kajang. He (Khalid) has done a checkmate,” Zaid told reporters here. [...]

“If Anwar becomes MB, he will want to privatise and control the water industry.

“Is it so that the profits can be given to PKR and its cronies just like how it was done in Umno?” Zaid, a former minister, asked.

PKR said yesterday it was unaware of the newly-minted water deal to reorganise water utility in the state, and that it is demanding an explanation from the state government.

“The state government did not inform the party of this,” PKR strategic director Rafizi Ramli told The Malay Mail Online when contacted.

But Zaid scoffed at Rafizi’s remarks, saying it was impossible that the party had no idea of MB Khalid’s plans.

“The water deal is necessary and is a good move on the part of Khalid as well as the federal government, it has been a problem plaguing Selangor for a long time,” he explained.

More to come from Khalid Ibrahim?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Ibrahim versus Ibrahim

I drafted this last night but alas, didn't finish it and thus have been beaten by the Malay Mail Online's headlines today, Anwar and Khalid in open war

sorry I will have to move you aside
sorry I will be keeping you aside

And really, why should we be surprised by the sorry sad of affairs in PKR when Khalid has been repetitively badmouthed by the PKR inner coterie to support the latter's bullshit excuses for the Kajang Betrayal.

A man can take only so many insults, especially unfair ones!

About two weeks earlier Khalid had already struck back with his seemingly quiet announcement that Leaderless Selangor BN [is] no threat to Pakatan, in which he said that the BN "... is still licking its wounds from the general election and unlikely put up a strong fight in Kajang. At the moment Datuk Seri Noh Omar is still struggling to get his team together. At the moment I do not see leadership.”

That statement was in total contrast to those by the Henny-Penny's of PKR and, lamentably, one from DAP who told tall tales of a pending UMNO ferocious takeover of the Selnagor State after Najib has been deposed by the Mahathir faction - IMHO, sheer utter balderdash by the inmates of Svartalfheimas to painfully explain the necessity of the Kajang Betrayal.

Khalid's assurance of the political inefficacy of the BN in Selangor has effectively struck a blow to Anwar & Co's pathetic preposterous pariah-ish excuse for the sembelih of Lee Chin Cheh as a PKR sacrificial kambing so as to enable Anwar to enter the Selangor DUN and the MB position.

Oh, incidentally, talking about kambing (the Aussie type, wakakaka, or lamb) here's an older post of mine titled Political wolf in sheep's clothing, which has something interesting about roast lamb, Manmanlai and the Dรธkkรกlfar Dwarf, wakakaka.

hold still Lee, you're going to be a sacrificial goat, I mean hero

Okay, back to Khalid's chopping Razzler-Dazzler-Embellisher off at the latter's knees for the unbelievable tale about Mahathir faction's coup d'etat in Selangor - that was almost two weeks ago, and if you haven't notice the dissenting statement from PKR's director of ops for the Kajang by-election about the inner coterie's falling sky, wakakaka, then you were either not interested (rightly so) in the unnecessary by-election or still mesmerized by the miasmatic mist of malarkey which continues unabated until today wakakaka.

A few days ago Zaid Ibrahim questioned the credibility of a survey by Universiti Malaya’s Centre for Elections and Democracy (Umcedel), which showed that more than 50% of Kajang voters approve of the by-election to pave the way for Anwar to replace Khalid as Selangor MB, and that Anwar is the front runner in the by-election.

Zaid told us that Umcedel director Prof Dr Mohammad Redzuan Othman is an old pally buddy of Anwar, wakakaka, from their Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) days, wakakaka. Thus far, media attempts to contact the good professor for comment have been unsuccessful, wakakaka.

Hmmm, if that has been true then Anwar must be pretty worried enough about his chances (or winning majority) in Kajang to resort to what Zaid's allegation suggested.

Now, apart from Prof Dr Mohammad Redzuan Othman being an old ABIM pally buddy of Anwar, wakakaka, why did Zaid doubt the Umcedel’s survey findings on Anwar as the fave in the by-election and that Kajangites approve of both the unnecessary by-election and his candidature there for the reasons provided by PKR inner coterie?

Around June 2011, Zaid was reported in Free Malaysia Today for calling Anwar Ibrahim a liar. Ouch!

Then, Zaid was riled by Anwar’s claim that he (Zaid) had pleaded with him (Anwar) for the opportunity to stand in the by-election for the federal constituency of Hulu Selangor in April 2011.

No, Zaid didn't use the BS-word, wakakaka, but merely asserted as a matter of fact that it was Anwar who selected him to contest.

At that time Anwar was at his political nadir following the desertion of seven PKR MPs especially after the cataclysmic failure of his bullsh*t 916, the most shameful un-reformasi folly of Anwar in his undemocratic but failed attempt on a poker-bluff coup d'etat on 16 Sept 2008.

A poker-bluff coup d'etat? Surely a Malaysian Boleh first in the world if it had succeeded. Perhaps he had thought that AAB was too slow-witted and no match for his manmanlai gab & attempted grab? But alas for him, AAB had been PM while Anwar is still trying to be ... no, not PM ... but a mere state MB. Alamak.

you know, in 1987 he was on winning Team A while I was in Team B
16 years later I became PM while he .. heh heh .. ta'usah sebutlah ... heh heh
I'm NOT as sleepy as you may think .. heh heh heh

Zaid suspected that the so-called de facto boss of PKR nominated him because he desperately wanted to make use of Zaid’s high profile personality (my words, not Zaid’s) to regain lost momentum through winning Hulu Selangor for PKR.

But alas, Zaid lost, partly because, as it was said (in fact blogged by RPK), of a photo depicting Zaid as a yamseng-ing and kaki kuda which was provided to UMNO by someone in PKR to sabo Zaid for fear of Zaid’s ascendancy in PKR. That photo caused Zaid a lot of votes from the Heartland.

Zaid told FMT: “Anwar is a liar and this is how he makes his living in politics. He thought I could pull it off. He did not spend a single sen on me [in the by-election]. I paid the deposit with my money. The party did not do anything to help me. His remarks are a joke. It’s not true.” 

To demonstrate that he had not pleaded to stand in Hulu Selangor, because he was doubtful of his chances in that UMNO stronghold (the 2008 GE result for Hulu Selangor being more of a fluke), Zaid referred to DAP’s Lim Kit Siang and PAS’ Mustapha Ali as his witnesses, that he had asked the two Pakatan leaders for advice.

According to Zaid, Lim and Mustapha told him that “it would NOT be good for me, as a party member, to decline the offer, because it would seem that I did not want to help the party," presumably despite mentioning his preference to decline Anwar's request because the election odds in HS were against him.

Thus, on the two Pakatan leaders' advice he accepted the candidacy and because he had also believed Anwar’s offer was made in good faith. He tossed in another couple of names as his referees, namely Dr Mahathir and AAB, as to his style of never pleading for any opportunity.

I am not surprised by Zaid readily referring to personalities from both sides of Malaysian politics - Dr Mahathir and AAB from UMNO, and Lim KS and Mustapha Ali from Pakatan - as his character referees or witnesses to what he alleged as Anwar’s blatant lie of him pleading to stand in Hulu Selangor.

And that’s because Zaid has consistently been mature in his political stance, unlike the feral examples introduced by the UMNO-faction of Anwar Ibrahim, a vicious herd mentality that now prevails mainly among the PKR anwaristas and some UMNO people, and unfortunately which might have infected some DAP members as well.

No doubt those pack of attack hounds have been, are and will continue calling him all sorts of names. After all, Michelle Yeoh is much prettier than Zaid and yet has suffered such vile vicious venom from mindless moronic Myrmidons of Pakatan, wakakaka.

Just a reminder, Zaid willingly resigned as Law Minister from the AAB cabinet (not expelled like Anwar) on a matter of principle, namely, to protest against the ISA being abusively used on Teresa Kok and a Sin Chew lady journalist by an earlier Home Minister.

Zaid also informed us via the Malay Mail Online's Zaid: MB post last hurrah for has-been Anwar of HRH's displeasure with '... Anwar’s political maneuverings after PKR newspaper, Suara Keadilan, featured a front-page picture of the PKR de facto leader with a member of the state’s royal household.'

He continued: “A week after the Suara Keadilan picture came out, the Palace issued a ‘yellow letter’ (a palace decree) wherein the Sultan in no uncertain terms prohibited members of the royal household from engaging or associating themselves, directly or indirectly, in politics or with any political party.”

Hmmm (again)! I wonder whether WWII General Heinz Wilhelm Guderian, the acclaimed 'Father of the German Blitzkrieg' would have said with regards to the allegations (if true) of the applicability of his famous saying 'There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people'? Wakakaka.

And Anwar, a politician who's always so fond of challenging Najib to a debate, has refused to debate with one of his Kajang by-election competitor, Zaid. Hoe Keng ah? [Takutkah?]

Zaid wants to debate Anwar on issues and not personal matters, but now, PKR's Rafizi Ramli has threatened to dig dirt on Zaid, who a la Clint Eastwood merely scoffed at that - see FMT's Zaid to Rafizi: Go ahead make my day.

Things are unfolding as per Rafizi's threat as we read this, but a word to the wise - people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, wakakaka.

Addendum: For more dirt on Zaid, please read RPK's latest post here, wakakaka.

Update 27/02/14: please read Zaid's reply to Rafizi in Malaysiakini's Zaid denies 'black hearted' Rafizi's claim where he ... derided Rafizi further as a "black-hearted" person who thinks he is now a "hero" after the National Feedlot Corporation expose.

"But this is Zaid... He should dig harder if he wants to really do an expose," he said, adding that his integrity is beyond reproach.

He also snidely dismissed Rafizi as a student of Anwar's politics and a "graduate" of the reformasi movement, which he said was filled with "dirty politics".

But then, oh dear, dearie me, PKR's brilliant strategist has turned archaeologist? Hope he doesn't bury his own party, wakakaka.

And doesn't Rafizi know that Zaid Ibrahim is a man who had on principles resigned from his position as Law Minister in AAB's cabinet, so unlike someone who had to be forcefully expelled from UMNO into screaming on the streets? Hmmm, maybe Rafizi was then too young to be aware of that, or maybe resigning on principles haven't yet been the practice in PKR? Wakakaka.

Anyway the other Ibrahim, Khalid, has now in a show of defiance and strike-back, picked up on Zaid's allegation of the unreliability of the Umcedel's survey, as published in the Malay Mail Online's headlines today, Anwar and Khalid in open war to discredit the finding that Kajangites approve of the preposterous excuses provided by PKR for the Kajang Betrayal, especially Anwar as MB Selangor. The Malay Mail reported:

What appeared to be a plan to end the feud between Khalid and Anwar loyalist Azmin Ali, who is also party deputy president, has now become Anwar’s trump card to oust Khalid and take over as mentri besar.

Khalid has been put on the defensive since then as Anwar and the party director of strategy Rafizi Ramli have gone on the offensive, making it seem as though Khalid had done nothing good.

Anwar’s attempt to unseat Khalid has now become an obsession as he continues wooing voters although on the offset everyone knows he will win.

And Anwar’s pre-campaign trail has revealed the truth about the split in the party — Khalid was only present once and since then he appears to have been sidelined. Although he is the director of operations for the by-election, Khalid seemed to be more occupied with his responsibilities as mentri besar.

Khalid may feel out of place whenever he meets other PKR leaders in Kajang for any by-election campaign events as all eyes will be watching his body language against that of Anwar.

Party members know the fight is not a small matter when it comes to a face-off with Anwar, but Khalid, being politically naรฏve, is never going to give up that easily despite knowing he is not going to win.

What Khalid is doing right now is not to give Anwar a smooth and easy path until the next general election in 2018.

It's also interesting to note that Dr Wan Azizah who has hitherto remained silent has now emerged to support Khalid as MB. We are informed:

Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail yang sekian lama ‘mengunci mulut’ berkenaan Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) Kajang akhirnya bersuara.

Beliau menolak dakwaan ramai pihak berkenaan kemungkinan Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim akan mengambil alih jawatan Menteri Besar Selangor dari Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

“Tan Sri Khalid sudah mengendalikan kerajaan negeri dan kita sudah tengok sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor… tidak ada cacat cela.. jadi kita teruskan. Kehadiran Anwar (di Selangor) pula, hanya nak membantu.. ” katanya menurut laporan laman blog

Bagaimanapun, dari mulut Anwar yang juga suami kepada Wan Azizah, ada kemungkinan ia akan dibincangkan tetapi biarlah ia dibincangkan selepas Pakatan Rakyat (PR) memenangi PRK Dun Kajang pada 23 Mac depan.

Anwar yang juga Ketua Umum PKR sebelum ini pernah mengkritik cara pentadbiran Abdul Khalid yang disifatkan sebagai lemah kerana gagal menguruskan dana kewangan negeri dengan baik.

Wakakaka, as Alice in Wonderland said (probably in Manglish, wakakaka), 'Curiouser and curiouser!'.

I wonder who's Khalid's backer, someone who gives him such a depth of confidence that he is now not only openly snubbing Anwar and the inner coterie's campaign messages but also repudiating them.

Anyway, Lim Guan Eng a.k.a Mr Mushroom (because though he is sec-gen of DAP was kept in the dark by Anwar about the PKR's Kajang Betrayal) has this to say:

"If it affects DAP or PAS or Pakatan Rakyat as a whole, of course PKR should inform us. But even though this matter (the Kajang Move) affects Pakatan, it is more to resolving an internal PKR problem, so we should give them some space."

In plain words, Lim GE has confirmed the Kajang Betrayal is about resolving an internal PKR problem. I wonder whether his take, so accurate and so different from Mr Henny-Penny, has been influenced by Anwar/PKR's disrespect to him when they sembelih Lee Chin Cheh without advising PAS and DAP? And PKR, if we recall, is the minority party in Pakatan.

I suspect this DAP perception (save for Mr Henny-Penny wakakaka) as well as many other factors in Kajang such as the lukewarm support by PAS have had Anwar also worrying about the Chinese in Kajang, who may, horror of horrors, indulge in their fave past time of mahjung on election day instead of voting, wakakaka, especially a by-election which is deemed unnecessary.

has the sky fallen yet? wakakaka

Would these possibly explain those allegations (yet undisputed or challenged by PKR) about Anwar's involvement in the Umcedel survey and his photo-ops with a Selangor royalty?

He will still win of course, given the Chinese despise and disdain for MCA, but his winning majority could be very much reduced from those for Lee Chin Cheh in 2013, and this is what he fears and what UMNO hope for.

But now, he must have heaved a great sigh of relief when Karpal Singh urge Kajang to punish BN kau kau to the extent of making the BN candidate, Chew Mei Fun, lose her deposit, as a show of their displeasure with the nonsensical sedition laws, which incidentally PM Najib has promised to do away with.

Can Chinese dislike for MCA-BN overcome their community's inclination for mahjung, wakakaka? Because if they stay away and his winning majority is abysmal, Khalid's status quo will become stronger and more entrenched, especially with PAS and even opposition support. And poor Manmanlai will then have a hard time with the Dรธkkรกlfar Dwarf, wakakaka.

Way before Bhai voiced his wrath at the sedition conviction, a charge which in case you forgot the court had earlier dismissed in favour of Bhai before the prosecution appealed, I had written in an earlier post Chew Mei Fun a cherry blossom? that today the MCA is so despised it will be putting a candidate in the Kajang by-election as mere cannon fodder, to be slaughtered by those who despise the party, and that's almost all of the 41% of registered voters (Chinese) in the satay town. And the MCA candidate losing her deposit is probable!

But underlying all this is a far more interesting issue, that PKR seems to be disintegrating, if not completely now, most certainly at some stage in the future.

'Twas a disintegration started long ago by what I had written of briefly in Political wolf in sheep's clothing, because of Anwar's blind invincible support for the Dรธkkรกlfar Dwarf.

I'm like Lee (with his pelt after he was sembelih), wakakaka

Monday, February 24, 2014

The wrath of a Khalsa warrior

Malay Mail Online - After sedition conviction, Karpal urges Kajang to punish BN

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 24 — DAP’s Karpal Singh today urged Kajang voters to strip Barisan Nasional’s (BN) candidate of her deposit to express their discontent with sedition laws that allowed him to be convicted for commenting on the 2009 Perak constitutional crisis.

Bhai is pissed off

Telling voters to rise up in his stead, the Bukit Gelugor MP who faces disqualification as a lawmaker following his conviction last week said the people of Kajang have the opportunity to convince the ruling BN government of their unhappiness with such laws.

Maybe Anwar Ibrahim's luck is changing. He is now virtually guaranteed of the majority of Chinese votes because of Bhai's wrathful call. They will respond to Karpal's urging and it'll be a shoo in for Manmanlai.

Isn't it serendipitous for the Dรธkkรกlfar Dwarf. Bhai kena hukum, and probably will lose his parliamentary seat, while the Dwarf will benefit most when Anwar becomes MB Selangor.

And there's a likelihood that in the intermediate term, we may see the centrifugal effect of Anwar's MB-ship on PAS as I discussed in my earlier post Kajang Sate.

As for poor DAP, it's so fixated on ousting UMNO from Putrajaya with WHATEVER IT TAKES (and this worries me) that it will definitely go along with Anwar's political play, as can be seen in Mr Mushroom now supporting the Kajang Betrayal, while Mr Henny-Penny from DAP informed us: 'Goodness gracious me! If Anwar doesn't win in Kajang, the sky's a-going to fall down on Pakatan; I must go and tell the king' disregarding the likelihood of himself, the pathetic Chicken Licken, having his head bitten off by the wily old fox whom he follows just a wee too willingly.

I'll take you fowls to see the King  Kajang, wakakaka

This is DESPITE or IN SPITE of Khalid Ibrahim telling us 10 days ago, via the Malay Mail Online, that Leaderless Selangor BN [is] no threat to Pakatan, where he said that the BN "... is still licking its wounds from the general election and unlikely put up a strong fight in Kajang. At the moment Datuk Seri Noh Omar is still struggling to get his team together. At the moment I do not see leadership.”

Political analysts said Khalid with these words has effectively written off the likelihood of any possible challenge by BN in Selangor. And as we've already heard, Anwar's unusual descent to participate in state level politics is about salvaging his party from disintegration due to bullFrog politics.

But Khalid assurance of the political inefficacy of the BN in Selangor has effectively struck down that, the tall tales of pending UMNO ferocious takeover of the State Government - sheer utter balderdash provided by the inmates of Svartalfheim as to the necessity of the Kajang Betrayal, and supported by Mr Henny Penny.

But now, with Bhai's wrathful call, all those omong kosong* will be buried and forgotten.

* surprisingly in today's Malaysiakini's Minister says will sue Guan Eng on 'Burn Bibles call' Lim GE has been reported as using this Indonesian phrase (though it was reported as 'omong2 kosong' where I believe 1 x omong is correct, not 2). I believe it was incorrectly translated by Malaysiakini as 'empty threats' when 'omong kosong' means poppycock, claptrap, baloney, nonsense, bullshit and such like but certainly not related to 'threat' or 'threats'. Sometimes, when used among friends, it means idle talk or idle gossip.

I have to admit I am annoyed by the Dรธkkรกlfar Dwarf (eventually) benefiting from Bhai's misfortune. The f**king luck of the Devil Dwarf.

(l) the MP, (r) the ADUN


de facto MB


I don't suppose we may hope that HRH Sultan Perak will stun us by coming out to say something in favour of Bhai? 

Nah! Too improbable.