Sunday, September 01, 2024

US has no moral standing to broker peace anywhere, says Santiago



US has no moral standing to

broker peace anywhere, says



Former Klang MP says Washington’s foreign policy is heavily influenced by the Jewish lobby.

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Free Malaysia Today
Former Klang MP Charles Santiago said the US has always done Israel’s bidding, so it was not shocking to see US ambassador to Malaysia Edgard D Kagan talking about ‘Israel’s security’.

The US has no moral standing to broker peace anywhere because its foreign policy is run by the Jewish lobby that has held US presidents ransom in exchange for political support, says former Klang MP Charles Santiago.

Santiago was responding to US ambassador to Malaysia Edgard D Kagan’s recent interview with Malaysiakini, in which he discussed Washington’s approach to the Gaza conflict.

The US has always done Israel’s bidding so it is not shocking to see Kagan talking about ‘Israel’s security’ despite the fact their tanks and artillery continue to kill children, women and civilians.

Maybe the Jewish lobby money speaks a more powerful language than the destruction and deaths,
 Santiago said.

He added that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory had always been violent with an International Court of Justice ruling on this. Many nations have also condemned the ongoing onslaught in Gaza and the West Bank, Santiago added in a statement.

“Kagan should know that conversations cannot start with Oct 7, but by looking at decades of massacres by Israeli forces.

What does he have to say about Israel targeting schools and hospitals? Would he deny that too, as well as Israel’s gross violation of humanitarian law?

The former DAP MP said no US President had been willing to stand up to the grotesque atrocities committed against Palestinians.

The US has vetoed resolutions critical of Israel more than any other council member — 45 times as of Dec 18, 2023,
 he said.

During the Thursday interview, Kagan said it was critical that Israel be part of ceasefire negotiations.

“No one is turning to countries that have a terrible relationship with Israel with an expectation that they would somehow help to reach a ceasefire, so I think the relationship we have is critical.

It reflects a long-standing commitment to our shared values. While I appreciate people are critical of it, we believe this is the best way to achieve the objective of trying to maintain stability and peace, and trying to bring a ceasefire in Gaza,
 he told the portal.


  1. Charles Santiago is a typical Leftie Wanker who has been overdosing on toxic anti-US propaganda for ages.
    Countries beloved of Leftie Wankers like China and Russia re just shit-stirring.

  2. If I'm following Israel's logic, nothing justifies Oct 7, but Oct 7 justifies everything. -- Laila Al-Arian. Indeed, hypocrisy thrives where double standards prevail. They are like two peas in a pod. Or the symbiosis of two grotesque partners, locked forever in a deathly embrace.

    "No US President had been willing to stand up to the grotesque atrocities committed against Palestinians." True. Although some POTUS's devised policies which involved a balancing act between mostly supporting Israel and addressing broader geopolitical or diplomatic considerations. Whether or not they actually made known, loud and clear, what their feelings about Israel were is not known, although I won't be wrong in assuming that these misgivings never rose above a whisper in the corridors of the White House. Whatever position they took, they never failed to recite the mantra, ad nauseam, about the right of Israel to defend itself. Even Kamala Harris, despite calling for a ceasefire, felt obligated to remind her potential voters that, yes you guessed it, Israel has a right to defend itself. Perhaps it's about time someone reminded her that she cannot have her cake and eat it as well.
