Monday, September 02, 2024

Kedah to take Penang to court over raw water issue, says MB


Kedah to take Penang to

court over raw water issue,

says MB


Sanusi Nor says this decision was made following Penang’s stance that Kedah should bring the matter to court.

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Free Malaysia Today
Penang obtains 84% of its water from Sungai Muda. (Bernama pic)

The Kedah government will take the Penang government to court to demand that it pay for the raw water it has taken from Sungai Muda, says menteri besar Sanusi Nor.

He said this decision was made after Penang urged them to take their claim to court.

Penang said if we want to demand payment, we should take it to court. We will do so,
 he told the media at a summit for the state government four, or 
,  here today.

On Aug 26, Penang chief minister Chow Kon Yeow said he had repeatedly clarified that Penang’s stance on the matter was that Kedah’s demand should go through the courts.

Penang obtains 84% of its water from Sungai Muda.

Kedah public works, natural resources, water supply and environment committee chairman Yusoff @ Munir Zakaria was also reported as saying that Penang had failed to pay Kedah despite demands having been made since 2010.

Kedah previously issued a written demand to Penang, charging the state RM50 million a year for the water the Penang Water Supply Corporation draws from Sungai Muda, which flows from Kedah.

However, Chow said Penang would continue to draw water from its side of Sungai Muda as international conventions allow it to do so.

Following that, Sanusi announced that his state government had appointed a panel of lawyers to manage its demand for raw water charges.

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