Friday, September 13, 2024

Anwar orders immediate action in GISBH, welfare homes probe



Anwar orders immediate

action in GISBH, welfare

homes probe


The prime minister says he will leave it to the police and Jakim to investigate the matter and take the necessary legal action.

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Free Malaysia Today
Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said he has been asked many times why there have been delays in taking action in the matter of the welfare homes.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim wants the investigation into welfare homes allegedly linked with Global Ikhwan Services and Business Holdings (GISBH) to be expedited.

Speaking to the media at Masjid Al-Iman Kg Desa Putra here, Anwar said he would leave it to the police and religious authorities to investigate the allegations made and take the necessary legal action.

“The Islamic religious department has investigative powers. Let them see whether these (accusations) are true because this is a huge matter of abuse of power and religion, and of children.

Many have asked me why the action taken had been delayed for so long, so I have (ordered) for immediate action and a report to be made,
 he said.


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