Sunday, March 08, 2020

Can Muhyiddin have a 'Unity' cabinet BUT with full accountability?


Time for Muhyiddin to show his leadership mettle

by Zaid Ibrahim

The prime minister is now ready to reveal the cabinet lineup, perhaps Monday or Tuesday. The interest amongst the public is understandably high, considering what has transpired during the last one week.

This cabinet will see the return of Umno and PAS to federal power. PAS' last stint in the federal government was in 1978, and it's interesting to see what they will do this time. They are a different PAS from 1978 I am sure, even the look and feel are different now. Takiyuddin is a snazzy dresser, and my Kota Bharu friend is more than ready to be a minister.

I hope the ministers from Umno will be from amongst those who have no criminal cases in the courts as well as any who might be investigated for corruption and abuse by the new MACC chief. Let their trials proceed, and if they are cleared of the charges, they can return to be ministers and even as PM.

Umno has a large reservoir of capable young Malay leaders the PM should tap in. With a little bit of luck, they might be the future crop of leaders for Bersatu when the PM takes full control of the party soon.

For PAS, it is my wish that the less ideological and more moderate personalities from the party will be appointed. Many of them are well qualified. Although what we hear from PAS always comes from the president's mouth, Pas has more talents than just a few religious clerics. Don't be mistaken as to their strength.

Ideology doesn't hold much prospect nowadays, and it is the leaders from PAS (despite their rhetorics) who are willing to accommodate the demands of a plural community will be accepted. The people want problem solvers, and PAS knows that if they want to be successful. There will be preachers who will demand the impossible from a democratic government, and PAS leaders in Cabinet must be strong enough to deal with them

I hope the PM will not neglect the good ministers from Pakatan Harapan too. The country will benefit from talents like Yeo Bee Yin who is passionate about the environment. Dr Zulkifly Ahmad should be retained as the Health minister in this time of the Covid-19 crisis. Charles Xavier from PKR and Anthony Loke from DAP are ministers who could bring transformative change in their respective portfolios.

This is the time for Muhyiddin to show his leadership mettle. Although many accused him that he was behind the power grab, that he was Najib's puppet as alleged by the fans of the former premier, time will vindicate him.

He knows he is not in the best of health, and he needs good, capable leaders who are less interested in party politics but more on serving the country. He need not worry about the vote of no confidence as the people will understand and appreciate, in due time, who was the real plotter and schemer behind Malaysia's most diabolical political machinations gone bad.

He will probably give former PKR deputy president Azmin Ali and Sarawak Chief Minister Abang Johari Openg plush appointments, but they are both experienced administrators. What is important though is for the PM to remind his new team of the new road for the country.

This is a historic opportunity for them to start anew, after 23 years of the rule of our iconic former PM and his eminent persons group. This is the time to depart from the tallest and the biggest and throw out the obsession with cars and a penchant for grandstanding on the world stage.

We are a small country. Let's not go overboard when engaging with first world countries. Domestic interests must come first. Muhiyuddin is best suited to bring about a more humble leadership style, and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) summit in November will showcase Malaysia 's new image to the world.

Please remind the ministers that we are a country where septic tanks are still inadequate, where clean piped water is in short supply, and good medical care for the many are still far from sufficient. The glory days of Malaysia Boleh with full of false promises should be replaced with a more caring society where prosperity can be truly shared.

While Malaysian kampongs suffered from lack of basic affordable facilities, his mean-minded mentality wanted to eff Sing even with multi-Billion ringgit nonsense 

Pasir Mas, to get to school near Kampung Lati is virtually a life-and-death struggle for the school children. They have to cross the Banggol Jering river 

Pengkala Pasir's bridge of death 

Muhyiddin is capable of making this change for the sake of the people of this country and people wish him the best of health.

ZAID IBRAHIM is the Kelantan DAP chief


  1. As I said before, Zaid Ibrahim is a completely out of touch elitist.

    What a stupid article.
    The sooner DAP wakes up and puts him out to pasture the better, before he does more damage.

  2. y zaid copy mahathir shit?

    1. where copy? unlike mahathir's non-accountable bullshit, in zaid's proposal the cabinet members will still be from political parties

    2. Nowhere is it mentioned in Zaid's silly article that the non-PN cabinet proposals will still represent political parties.

    3. Considering Zaid's proposal, regardless of whether Muhyiddin takes it up, where do you think Yeo Bee Yin, Dzulkifly and Anthony Loke come from?

    4. In their personal capacity, not representing DAP or Amanah policy in the Cabinet.

      In more "gentlemanly" polities, there is precedence for that.

      Obama, knowing that he was vulnerable to being labelled as "Soft Liberal" on defence matters, reached out to, and appointed two separate Secretaries of Defence who were members of the Republican party.

      They served in their personal capacity in the US Cabinet, in no way implying a Coalition or Alliance with their Political Party.

    5. regardless of whether in their "personal capacity" or not, those personalities will have to account to their respective own parties and will be UNLIKELY to go against their ideolog(ies)

    6. IF they agree to serve , they have to accept the directions of the "I am a Malay First" PM with all the likelihood of pandering to Racist policies.
