Monday, March 03, 2025

The Head Of The Snake Is In London


Monday, March 3, 2025

The Head Of The Snake Is In London






Three years ago when the Ukraine War began I said that it was actually the British - American War against Russia, the British war against Russia and Germany and I also said that the real target was Germany. 

By the way, more than a week after the German elections they have not appointed a new Chancellor yet.

  • official appointment delayed due to "complexities" in forming coalition
  • the CDU secured approximately 28.5% of the vote
  • Alternative for Germany (AfD) achieved a historic 20.8%,

Olaf Quisling Schulz's party secured only 16% of the vote.  The CDU still cannot form a government? Lets see what happens.

Back to the story, Emil Cosman (the guy in the YouTube video) says he now has reason to believe that the head of the Hydra (the head of the snake) behind the Ukraine war is the United Kingdom. About three years too late but that is exactly what I said - three years ago.

Do you recall the Pangkor Treaty? The British will be Advisors to the Sultan 'selagi ada bulan dan bintang di langit' and such (for as long as the moon and the stars are in the sky).

Well in January this year 2025 the British signed a similar treaty with Ukraine. A treaty lasting 100 Years !!

This comprehensive treaty covers 'cooperation' in defense, trade, technology and "classroom" cooperation?? What it really does is it gives the UK access to all of Ukraine's resources as well as their markets FOR A 100 YEARS !!  

Meaning BEFORE President Trump asked for mineral rights in Ukraine, the British had already sneaked in via the back door. Its all about money and commercial interests. Why? Because the British supplied Ukraine with Challenger tanks (which are not allowed for front line combat - to avoid embarrassment when they get blown up), Storm Shadow missiles which were used to hit low value targets and some other weapons. 

In contrast President Trump says the US supplied up to US$350 Billion in weapons and cash to Ukraine for free. With no strings attached. As usual there are very rich and powerful corporate interests in the UK who want to profit from this war. 

In 1815 the Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon Bonaparte at the battle of Waterloo in Belgium.  It is said that Nathan Meyer Rothschild made a killing on the London Stock Exchange because the Rothschilds courier network was able to transmit the news of Napoleon's defeat a day or two ahead of anyone else. They took positions on the Stock Market and true enough when the news broke, the stock market went up and the Rothschilds made a tidy profit.

War and money go hand in hand. This is why Boris Johnson wanted war with Russia, Liz Truss wanted war, Rishi Sunak wanted war and now Keir Starmtrooper is fighting tooth and nail to prolong the fighting in Ukraine. Big money is at stake.

The British are the head of the snake.  

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