Saturday, May 18, 2024

Tan Sri IGP Semalam You Mention Jemaah Islamiyah At Least TEN Times. Today Minister Pula Kata Perpetrator Bertindak Bersendirian, Tiada Kaitan Kumpulan Terancang


Saturday, May 18, 2024

Tan Sri IGP Semalam You Mention Jemaah Islamiyah At Least TEN Times. Today Minister Pula Kata Perpetrator Bertindak Bersendirian, Tiada Kaitan Kumpulan Terancang

Here is a video of the IGP from yesterday where he mentions JI (Jemaah Islamiyah) TEN TIMES thus obviously implicating the JI with the attack in Ulu Tiram yesterday. Do listen to the eight minute video.


But in a rather surprising announcement today the Minister of Home Affairs says that this attack 'did not have any links to an extremist group as previously stated'. Implying there are no links to the Jemaah Islamiyah.



Here is the video of the Minister. It is shorter.

 Here is another screen grab :

So what about the young couple who had come into the Police Station at the same time to inquire about making a Police Report (at 2.30 am in the morning) about some meraba case that happened two years before? Police arrested the young couple on suspicion of them being part of the plot.

If this attack was a 'Lone Wolf' case with 'tiada kaitan kumpulan terancang' then is that couple still being detained? They should be released.

Why would a 21 year old boy 'acting alone' aka Lone Wolf style suddenly want to attack and kill Policemen?

The boy killed two Policemen and also shot and injured a third cop. If he had the opportunity it is likely he would have killed all the Policemen at that Police station. He had already grabbed a pistol and a rifle (well that is what I saw in one of the videos) and he shot THREE policemen.  According to the IGP he got into a firefight with TWO OTHER CID cops. 

So the boy did all this all alone by himself. Lone Wolf style. He handled a pistol and a rifle quite well. 

As the stomach churns.


  1. In Malaysia, all Islamist militants are Lone Wolves.
    There is no such thing as Domestic organised Islamist Terrorism in Malaysia.... According to the authorities....

    Are you sure You want to know the truth ?

    You can't handle the truth.

  2. HUDAIBIYAH IS PERMITTED TO LIE BY TYPE BM SUPREMACIST RELIGION TO ENHANCE THEIR RELIGIOUS IMAGE AND MAKE FOOLS OF THOSE WHO STILL WANT TO BE NICE TO THESE HAMAS SUPPORTER NATION OF TYPE BM!!...BM = Babi - M.... Bodoh - M..... M can be Moolayu, muslix..........B= Bangsat M....Binatang M....etc etc...Type BM......need loud speaker to call.....
