Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Mahathir puppet master denying Anwar the PM position

Extracts from finance-twitter:

We know why Mr. Mahathir appears to have accepted Muhyiddin as his successor, despite his initial cries that he was incredibly sad with the betrayal of his most trusted lieutenant. The 94-year-old fox was the real puppet master who had given his blessing for Muhyiddin to topple his own government. The coup was to deny PM-in-waiting Anwar Ibrahim from taking over the leadership.

In the same breath, Mahathir could use Muhyiddin as his proxy to tap into the 6-million support base of UMNO and PAS to retain power. On its own, Mahathir’s weak party Bersatu (PPBM) had only 25 seats in the 222-seat Parliament. Not only had the old man stolen 11 MPs from Anwar’s PKR party with the defection of Azmin Ali’s faction, Bersatu now controls PAS’ 18 MPs and UMNO’s 39 MPs.

The sudden migration of 11 MPs linked to Azmin, who was caught in a gay sex video scandal, has increased Bersatu’s “direct and indirect” number of MPs to 36. We had said this a dozen of times and we’ll say this again. Mahathir’s endgame is to merge his party with UMNO. And now Kadir Jasin, Mahathir’s media and communications adviser, has admitted that possibility.

The idea of giving every UMNO and PAS MP (who had not been given a minister or a deputy minister post) a chairmanship in GLCs is clearly a despicable act of bribery to buy the loyalty of allies, especially UMNO warlords. With Bersatu’s strength ballooned to 36 MPs, it can now negotiate – on an equal level – with UMNO’s 39 MPs to form a new Malay party that possesses 75 MPs.

Of course, now that his proxy Muhyiddin is in the driver’s seat, Mahathir could save the embarrassing moment of having to rub shoulders and sharing jokes and laughters with the same UMNO crooks whom he had despised and condemned earlier, such as Najib Razak, Zahid Hamidi, Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, Tengku Adnan, Bung Moktar.

Whether he realizes it or not, the disgraceful PM Muhyiddin is building a “New Kleptocracy Order” – feeding all the power-hungry, immoral and corrupt politicians from UMNO and PAS with a bloated Cabinet of 71 ministers and chairmanships in GLCs. Mr. Kadir should stop insulting people’s intelligence by constantly trumpeting that Mahathir would not accept UMNO en bloc.

Perhaps he should explain the speculation that his boss’ son, Mukhriz Mahathir, may not challenge the so-called traitor Muhyiddin for the presidency of Bersatu. If indeed Mahathir can’t stomach the prospect of the return of crooks like Najib Razak and Zahid Hamidi to power, should not Muhyiddin be denied his chance to retain his post uncontested in the upcoming Bersatu election?


  1. Yes, I dream this will happen quickly. Merged party called UMNO-Barua... with akad nikah performed by PAS. Witnessed by minor wives MCA and MIC.
    The treason and treachery will be complete for all to see.

    GE15 will be so straightforward for voters to decide. Single race/religion vs multi racial. Even KT should be able to decide....or will his hatred for LKS and Guanee be so over-powering he stays home and plays Sudoku again....ha ha ha.

  2. I have stated my suspicion right from the start..that Madey planned his own sudden resignation and in one fell swoop, ensured Anwar will NEVER ever become a PM, let alone being the 8th PM, and at the same time, ensured DAP got kicked out too and never again be in federal governance. Berani orang cina ni...pigiii balik ke Penang la..nanti kita akan ambil Penang jugak, hehehehe.

    The thinking that MooMoo betrayed the Old Man is quite laughable. This is just a wayang to pull wool over the people's eyes. Madey knew that should his bid to be the Unity PM failed, he needs a backup plan...that's where MooMoo gets into frame. All this bullshit of Betrayal is just that, a thick pile of manure. PH ain't never got a chance, the 22 months of PH governance is just a time for the Madey to prepare the ground to bring back a Ketuanan Government, even if they have to contend with PAS and some unsavory characters from Umno....though the word 'unsavory' is subjective...quite a few is of the view that the most unsavory is the Old Kerala Snake himself..he is the most toxic of all.

  3. Spot on. Except he's actually going for UMNO assets more than anything. Moreover this Malay hegemony was his creation and the the thing that made him and his family billionaires so he'll protect it with his life.
