Monday, April 13, 2020

Covid-19 - Men more vulnerable


Seeking answers for why more men die of Covid-19

Men comprise about 76% of those dying from Covid-19 in Malaysia 

PETALING JAYA: More than three-quarter of those who died of Covid-19 in Malaysia are men, who form a similar proportion observed across the world.

Data released by the health ministry shows that 58 Malaysian men have died of the disease so far, comprising 76% of the total 76.

The Malaysian percentage is higher than those reported in Italy (68%), China (64%), Germany and Spain (63%), and Australia and Sweden ( 60%) according to research group Global Health 50/50.

Malaysian Medical Association president Dr N. Ganabaskaran told FMT that it was unclear why so many men had died.

Figures for the United States show that more African Americans are likely to die of Covid-19 than Caucasians.

Last month, a study published in the Lancet, a British medical journal, said emerging evidence suggested that the reasons for more male deaths lay in sex-based immunological or gendered differences such as lifestyle habits and prevalence of smoking.

A private specialist, Dr Kuljit Singh, told FMT that “generally speaking, women are much more resilient to any kind of communicable or non-communicable diseases than men.”

A Malaysian morbidity survey in 2015 showed that Malaysian men were particularly vulnerable to diseases due to a combination of unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, tobacco use and harmful alcohol consumption.

“More than 60% of men are either overweight or obese, a third have hypertension and almost 20% have diabetes,” said Azrul Mohd Khalib, chief executive of the Galen Centre for Health and Social Policy.

“It is a frightening combination which makes men particularly vulnerable to Covid-19. They have an increased risk of developing severe complications due to Covid-19 infection,” he added.

Azrul said that Malaysia’s high mortality rate for Covid-19 among men was very likely linked to the men having at least one chronic disease or non-communicable disease – such as diabetes – while a third of them had three.

Azrul said men were less likely to seek medical attention until late in their illness. “By the time they are hospitalised, the patient either needs intensive care or ventilator support. All of these factors are very likely to have contributed to men forming most of the fatalities in Malaysia,” he said.

Kuljit said women generally have a longer life span than men, and numerous international studies have proven that women have better hygiene.

A study in the US showed that 15% of men there did not wash their hands after leaving the toilet, compared with 7% of women.

When they did wash their hands, only 50% of men used soap, compared with 78% of women.

“The most important reason that people are dying of Covid-19 is because it is not being detected early enough, regardless whether they are men or women,” said Kuljit.


  1. There is a genomic possibility!

    A child shares the XY chromosomes from the parent. The sharing has been proved not necessarily to be 50-50.

    For closer relatives, both males and females inherit mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from their biological mothers; a mother and her sons and daughters therefore share mitochondrial DNA or maternal haplogroup. Any set of individuals who share a mother (that is, siblings or maternal half-siblings) have the same maternal haplogroup. This is a matured scientific finding.

    Paternal transmission of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) may be possible. But this needs further scientific investigations.

    Majority of the haplotypes reside within the male genomes deteriorate much faster as compared to the female. Nobody knows why yet.

    Hence, to trace a typical haplotypes in gene sequencing, only the female mitochondrial DNA is used.

    Since SARS-CoV-2 mess with the genotype within the DNA/RNA, it's possible that it has a much lethal effects on the male genomes (since more likely to be defective due to faster deterioration).

    Side note: this is one way of sequencing the SARS-CoV-2 using CRISPR to target only certain haplotypes - like variant B is proven to be lethal & confined to Haplogroup O (O-M175) which is common in East Asian.

    The NEW Cambridge studies of covid-19 clusters in China, Korea & Japan has confirmed this pattern, though not conclusively due to sample size.

    However, with the humongous death tolls of US, Italy, Spain & UK, those biopsy samples will provide further genetic evidences of the possible manipulation in haplotypes targeting of SARS-CoV-2.

    The type of SARS-CoV-2 variants source from the US & Europe samples can further enhance the lab incubation theory of this coronavirus.

  2. Intended by its CCP Creators ?

    Ideal biological weapon.
    Combat soldiers, almost all Male , would be overwhelmingly incapacitated.

  3. base on the data release, whiteman r the most vulnerable while african are the least n no doubt chinese r the most resilient due to chinese characteristic approach in data collection n compilation.

    1. Both mfers, still having their heads doing an ostrich act deep in the sand!


      The buried heads have induced the desired delusional cover-up for that inadequacy to face the truth!


      "Intended by its CCP Creators ?"

      If that's the case, why Wuhan first?

      Ooop… leaked from that B4 lab at Wuhan.

      Then, how to account that the Wuhan variant is type B - the son of type A, the most likely candidate incubated in a lab?

      Mfer, better raises up that buried head, breadth some fresh air & rework yr loopy thinking lah!

      Otherwise, stay buried. Who cares for a demoNcastic minion of old moneyed.

      "base on the data release, whiteman r the most vulnerable while african are the least n no doubt chinese r the most resilien…"

      Wakakakaka… keeping on with yr monkey script. Many r enjoying it tremendously when comparing that with the latest fatality finding in US.

      Oooop… kt's quoted GMT article ALSO has a mentioned! This mfer's England is really on the standard of his own - incoherent farts + irrational comprehension while reading!

      What to do! How does one explain data collection with Chinese characteristics to a non Chinese?

      Same advice to u as that old moneyed bloodsucker!

    2. dad son cucu grandpa daughter mum cicit all r from wuhan, n spread to entire world. the chart say so.

    3. Wakakakaka…

      Mfer, u REALLY don't understand how/what phylogenetic network analysis does/implies!

      In phylogenetic network analysis, the FIRST data sample IS NOT the originator. It's the STARTING POINT to trace forward/backward for the source/resultant.

      ie u have diarrhea, then tracing backward shows that's bcoz u eat unclean 台毒 dessert. Tracing forward, u end up in hospital crying father-mother for immediate medical helps!


      Oooop… never mind about that… just continue with yr "dad son cucu grandpa daughter mum cicit all r from wuhan, n spread to entire world." fart lah.

      It's very entertaining to see a known nothing acting as expert for his ongoing monkey show.

      Don't forget to get that old moneyed f*ckhead to double up as yr assistant. Soon, he will need that extra income to sustain his miserable lives!

    4. so u know there is nothing, nothing at all to claim virus started in usa right? but i know u hv the england capability to spin it that way, thus i am here to remind u again, the chart clearly said the virus started in wuhan.

    5. There is!

      The phylogenetic network analysis of the predominant variant A IS in US - strongly suggesting that's its origin.

      Wakakakaka… know WHY?

      Bcoz variant A is the grandfather of the SARS-CoV-2.

      The buck stops there!

      Wakakakaka… nthX

      "the chart clearly said the virus started in wuhan."

      Mfer, goes & get done of yr better informed 台毒 experts to educate u on how to read phylogenetic network chart lah.

      Or if u can't find anyone in that 台毒 shithole, wait lah.

      More other scientific studies coming up soon for this hot investigation - especially with those tons of new biopsy infos from those 'wasted' US death.

    6. so u only interested in whats a type n ignore the rest of the article. this is not england capability but select text out of context, we call that lying in england, maybe u can chk yr thesaurus is there any other better term, i found one "prevaricating", tho i still prefer word like lie n tokkok.

    7. All that article's MAIN theme is about the lineages of SARS-CoV-2.

      Types ABC r just the variants(u obviously don't understand this term!) of the same coronavirus.

      The phylogenetic network analysis CLEARLY indicates US is the origin of the SARS-CoV-2. It's also been explained adequately by founder effect - a well understood human evolution effect.

      U can play with yr kind of thesaurus. I have zilch time to spare.

      But prevaricating is a good word to correctly describe mfer, like u, who knows NUTS about anything SARS-CoV-2 yet want to c&p from hp6 sources to enhance yr poor understanding.

      Ooop… with lousy England throwing in for further confusion.
