Saturday, June 01, 2024

'This is a bad day for America' - voters split on Trump verdict


'This is a bad day for America' - voters split on Trump verdict


Donald Trump is the first former or serving US president to be found guilty of a crime - but what will his conviction mean for the election?

Opinion polls have suggested it could change the minds of some voters, ahead of a tight race with President Joe Biden this November.

The BBC spoke to independent voters as well as some Republicans who told us they have doubts about backing Trump.

After Thursday's historic verdict, we asked them if his conviction will sway how they vote. We start with a voter clearly agonising over his choice.

This lifelong Republican cast hesitant votes for Mr Trump in 2016 and 2020, but Thursday's verdict was a defining moment...eventually.

I'm not a big Trump fan and I'm not a lawyer, but - based on what I was reading - this seemed like a very clumsy case. I feel like the jury was led to a foregone conclusion. And I do think this judge had a bias. What stood out to me was how they really hemmed in Donald Trump, keeping him under wraps with gag orders.

Being under a cloud of so much legal ambiguity, and now with his conviction, I don't see how [Trump] can go forward. But the alternative for the voters is Joe Biden, and that's just not an acceptable alternative for myself or for others.

I was leaning toward Trump and I'm probably going to end up supporting him once again. Seeing Biden’s policies and the way he's conducting himself, I don't think he's got the stamina or the ability to do the job for very much longer. The border has been blown wide open. The economy just stinks.

I do think Trump's going to be vindictive. This is a bad day for America. We've crossed the Rubicon. If he wins, I think he's going to go out and start punishing folks.

[Jim called back 10 minutes later]

There’s no way I can support a convicted felon as president. Trump will have to appeal and win for that to change. But I’m definitely not voting for Biden.

Deanna is an independent-minded Republican who does not support Mr Trump's false claims of election fraud.

This trial was politically motivated. I think it became evident when the charges were brought up against Trump. The timing felt obtrusive to the election and I believe the judge was biased throughout.

There was enough evidence there to convince the jury and certainly no one is above the law but we have a system that is biased. Looking at how [the investigations into how] confidential documents from the White House were handled by both Biden and Trump, it showed Americans that the arm of justice wraps around a shoulder as a friend for some.

Nothing about this case has swayed my vote for this November’s election. I’m Team Kennedy [independent candidate Robert Kennedy Jr] in 2024 because I tire of voting for the lesser of two evils. Americans need to be compelled to vote for no evil at all until we get candidates that are worthy of our highest office.

This dual UK-US citizen voted for Mr Trump in 2016 to “shake things up a bit” but turned against him by 2020.

I'm pretty stunned it's happened. My wife's in New York, she said she went outside and everyone was cheering like in the World Cup.

I was surprised because, when Cohen was on the stand, it looked like he was getting torn apart. I thought that there wasn't enough evidence based on the fact that your key witness is a convicted liar. So I thought if it's beyond a shadow of a doubt, he would not get convicted.

I'm not saying he didn't get a fair trial, but where it was held massively impacted it. In other parts of the US, this wouldn’t have come to trial. It was a demonstration of the deep polarisation in this country between the Democrats and the Republicans. They're so far apart on everything.

Honestly, I still think Trump is going to win in November. I don't know if this verdict has made any difference. You’re caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. What a choice - between a president who is clearly too old to be in the most powerful job in the world, and a guy who's a convicted felon.

For me, I don’t know...I don't think I'll vote.

Cat left the Republican Party last year but remains strongly committed to its leader.

Trump, a man who runs a multi-billion-dollar business, was convicted because of how a payment was made to his private lawyer. This was enabled by testimony from such unreliable sources as Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels.

Cohen stole thousands of dollars from his employer, lied to Congress, and, in this case, I think he lied on the witness stand. Daniels changed her story, not once but multiple times.

Today marks another low point in the US. This trial has not just made a mockery of our judicial system, it has shown that we no longer have a fair election system, when we allow politicians to go after political opponents in a sham of a trial using a Democrat-leaning judge.

This verdict has made me want to vote for [Trump even more] in November, because if the elite left has gone to these lengths to try to thwart his run for president, and the elite Republican leadership barely supports him, then those two things tell me that he's probably the best candidate for us average people.

Paul calls himself a "common-sense centrist" and is still shopping around for the right candidate to support this November.

This verdict is a landmark in American history. It shows no one is above the law, regardless of their status or influence.

The trial followed due process. The jury reached a unanimous decision. The legal process was thorough and impartial. That is exactly how it should work.

But taking a step back, while accountability is crucial, the timing and nature of these charges seem to be aligned with broader political agendas. People who disagree with the verdict don't believe in the justice system. That’s a path a lot of Trump supporters are going to go down.

Trump is driving most of the divisions in America at this point. His support base is growing stronger, and it’s driving the left further left. So the divide is just growing and the country is becoming scarier to grow up in.

This verdict doesn’t change my vote, but strengthens my desire to vote. The importance of participating in the democratic process is underscored in moments like these.


  1. ~~~~~

    Millions of Chickens Killed in 5-Alarm Fire at Farina Farms Inc. in Illinois.

    One of The Nation's Largest Free-Range Egg Facilities.


    1. ~~~~~

      Fire at a massive chicken farm in Farina, Illinois

      Numerous firefighters battle a significant 5-alarm fire that broke out around 6;30 PM last Wednesday evening at a massive chicken farm in Farina, Illinois, housing over 1.2 million chickens.

      The farm is one of the largest free-range egg facilities in the country. Over 15 fire departments responded to this major fire, with at least three buildings catching fire and causing significant property damage.

      The smoke was so heavy that it was picked up on Doppler radar, reaching between 13,000 and 15,000 feet in the air, and could be seen from over 20 miles away.

      Officials said there is no determination yet of what may have caused the fire, and it is currently under investigation


  2. ~~~~~

    No one ever had the balls to directly attack the uber-expensive USS Dwight Eisenhower bathtub.

    The Houthis just did it.

    🇾🇪🇺🇸 Yemeni forces have hit a US aircraft carrier in the Red Sea with missiles & drones in response to the bombardment of their country.
    Respect to Yemenis that don’t hesitate to respond to any aggression 🫡

  3. ~~~~~

    10 wars, millions killed, 1 nobel peace prize, 0 indictments.

  4. ~~~~~


    1. Presidents and Former Presidents can be impeached
    2. Presidents and Former Presidents can be forced to reveal tax and business records
    3. Presidents and Former Presidents lose executive privilege
    4. Presidents and Former Presidents lose attorney-client privilege
    5. Presidents and Former Presidents can be forced to release private phone records and text messages
    6. Presidents and Former Presidents can have their homes raided by the FBI
    7. Presidents and Former Presidents can be subpoenaed by partisan committees
    8. Presidents and Former Presidents can be repeatedly indicted and arrested
    9. Presidents and Former Presidents lose their First Amendment right to free speech
    10. Presidents and Former Presidents lose the right to a jury trial
    11. VP no longer has authority to question validity of disputed electoral votes
    12. The losing party no longer has authority to submit contingent electors when results are disputed
    13. Presidents and Former Presidents don't have Presidential Immunity


  5. ~~~~~
    Remember this? (1999)

    “Paula Jones is paid a $850,000 cheque from President Clinton, bringing an official end to the four-year saga spurred by her allegations of sexual harassment.”

    When does the trial for Bill Clinton begin?


    CNBC Television - Donald Trump on guilty verdict: If they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone.

    In this CNBC Television youtube video on Trump press conference after the guilty verdict, apparently on 31 May, at 6m57s to 6m59s mark, Trump was recorded as saying, "Think about it, this is the crime I committed that I'm supposed to go to jail for 187 years for."

    Some sampling of press retort, via "fact-checking"...


    Here goes...

    187 = 17x11.

    There is that 17=Q signature again.

    11? Did an web search based on "Biblical+Numerology". The top most result was

    Selected the number 11 from the available list

    Meaning of Numbers in the Bible
    The Number 11

    The meaning of the number eleven is important in that it can symbolize disorder, chaos and judgment. 

    Coming after 10 (which symbolizes law and responsibility), eleven (11) represents the opposite, which is the irresponsibility of breaking the Law, which brings disorder and judgment.

    In Genesis 11, men rebelled against God and built the tower of Babel. He judged them by confusing their language, resulting in chaos. Jehoiakim, one of the last kings over Judah, ruled for eleven years (609 to 598 B.C.). His successor, King Jehoiachin, rules for only three months before the Babylonians take control of Jerusalem.


    Since the man knows their hidden language, I believe he is talking to them in their own language. The media is picking up and interpreting signals for those who do not speak those language, as fact-checking and so on and so forth...

    What do I understand from this not even rudimentary grasp of the hidden language? Possibly, "You are completely out of order!" and "these will be put an end. Period"

    Not to mentioned that, in multi-objective operation, the media will be stripped bare as propaganda tool instead of its correct function.

    We'll find out.

    As an aside, was just curious, what does the number 17 meant?

    Meaning of Numbers: The Number 17


    The meaning of the number 17 is that of "overcoming the enemy" and "complete victory." God overcame the sins of rebellious humans when he began to flood the earth through rain on the 17th of the second Hebrew month. Noah's ark and its eight passengers rested on the mountains of Ararat on Tishri 17 (the seventh month of the Hebrew sacred calendar).

    Jesus Christ gained a complete victory over death and the grave when God resurrected him near sunset on Nisan 17 (Saturday, April 8, 30 A.D.).


    Que sera sera...

  7. Here is an example of a lawless case...


    🛑 The lawless WHO unlawfully adopted amendments to the IHR. While telling the world to obey the inhumane and unscientific laws of equally lawless governments. Do you need any more reason to #ExitTheWHO and replace your country's political leaders?

    We need to abolish the WHO!

    [Breaking News] WHO Decides on Revised IHR June 1st, 21:07 (JST June 2nd, 4:07)

    The revised IHR was approved by the chair using the "no objections" method. The attendance was less than one-third.


    1. Anthony Fauci, the retired head of NIAID, is scheduled to testify before Senate, on Monday 3 Jun 2024. What better welcome to this than prepping in the media, some of his handy work.

    2. Live: Retired Dr Anthony Fauci testimony before Senate committee.


      The clip of Tedros theatening antivaxxers is being globally erased. If anyone grabbed it please let me know. Thanks TWR

      Anthony Fauci just threw David Morens under the bus!

      "...Dr David Morens, who has the title of Senior Advisor to the NIAID Director, and who recently began has been investigated for conduct unbecoming a government official.

      Naturally, given his title, a connection is made to me. With respect to his recent testimony before this subcommittee, I knew nothing of Dr Moren's actions regarding Dr.Daszak Ecohealth or his emails. It is important to point out for the record that despite his title, and even though he was helpful to me in writing scientific papers, Dr Morens was not an advisor to me on institute policy or other substantive issues.

      At NIAID, we had weekly executive committee meetings of the institute leadership and daily morning meetings of my immediate staff. And to the best of my recollection, he attended neither of these."

      Mind you, SGgov doing their share of work to tembaking these pesky antivaxxers...neck on the any case, where sg is concerned, money talk will rein them

      Wow! Singapore's Ministry of Health Outright Dismisses Expert Opinions from McCullough, Malone, Angus Dalgleish, Aseem Malhotra, and More!

      @P_McCulloughMD @RWMaloneMD @DrAseemMalhotra @JesslovesMJK @jathorpmfm @GVDBossche Professor Fukushima, Prof Robert Clancy.

      You are all mentioned by @MOHSingapore…

    4. How many know about the Malaysian share to these whole saga of the last 4 years that is for the history book?

    5. ~~~~~


      Fauci claims that he “kept an open mind” in regard to the lab leak theory…

      Here are the NIH emails confirming that’s a lie.

      04/16/2020: Director Francis Collins emails Fauci about how to “put down this very destructive conspiracy”.

      Fauci responds, “I would not do anything about this right now. It is a shiny object that will go away with time.”

      Fauci just lied under oath.

      Jim Jordan is grinning ear-to-ear and winking at the end, because he KNOWS Fauci just perjured himself. Because Jim Jordan is the one who released the emails seen above.

      Jim just laid a trap, and Fauci walked right into it.


      Who will lay a trap for TS Dr Hisham Noor, KJ n gang?

    6. ~~~~~

      Is nobody going to ask Fauci about the biolabs in Ukraine?

      The Russian Military claim one of the main reasons they moved into Ukraine was because of US bioweapon development.

      We are in a proxy war with Russia, and on the verge of WW3, over these labs, and NOBODY brought it up?

      I’ve been trying to warn the world for years that Wuhan is the cover story and the reported point of outbreak, but the epicenter of US bioweapon development was going on in Ukraine. The entire country has essentially been one giant CIA/State Dept proxy since 2014. It’s an offshore playground for criminal racketeering that is outside the scope of US oversight.

      We also have confirmation that the Deep State desperately do NOT want us looking into the biolabs in Ukraine, based on the lengths they went to cover this story up and how much they panicked when it broke.

      Initially, the MSM/Big Tech claimed the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine did not exist at all, and censored anyone who talked about them (a la me). Then eventually they admitted the labs existed, but claimed they were purely for defensive purposes. Why lie unless they have something to hide?

      Then you add in the whole layer of Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca owning biolab company Metabiota operating in Ukraine, and doing gain of function research on bat coronaviruses in Ukraine as early as 2014 via project PREDICT with USAID.

      Then you add the layer of Metabiota founder and lead virologist Nathan Wolfe, being monetarily affiliated with Ghislaine Maxwell and the Clinton Foundation…

      These committees are looking in the wrong spot…

    7. Who is Tedros?

      Tedros - not a doctor, rather a communist terrorist!
      “World Health Organisation Is Rotting From the Head”

      Former terrorist Tedros Ghebreyesus will not fire 83 WHO staff engaged in abuse including rape and forced abortions, with one victim 13, claiming rape and forced abortion do not violate WHO’s policies because the victims were not receiving WHO aid.
      Dr. David Martin: Tedros is just a puppet with a “giant stick up his *ss… but who’s moving the stick for the puppet?”

      The answer is The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board:
      • Bill Gates
      • The Wellcome Trust
      • The Rockefeller Foundation

      “By 2023, which is kind of where we are right now, Gates represents 88% of the donations to the World Health Organization from donor organizations and agencies. By any definition, that’s a controlling interest.”

  8. Going to a UFC fight eh...the symbolism is strong on this one.


    Trump is going to UFC 302 tonight, in Newark, just a few miles away from Manhattan where he was convicted.

    The arena is going to go absolutely nuts, and the optics for Trump are going to be stellar.

    The walkout is going to send the message that the People stand with Trump.

  9. ~~~~~

    While no one was paying attention, the Reserve Bank of India silently moved over 100 tonnes of its gold reserves from the UK to India for the first time since 1991.

    India will now hold most of its gold in its own vaults.

    The Reserve Bank of India also purchased 24 tonnes of gold in just four months, which is 1.5 times more than its gold purchases for all of 2023.

    China, Russia, and India, three of the world's strongest economies, are rapidly stockpiling gold to increase control over their assets.

    The rapid pace at which they are accumulating gold is suspicious, almost as if they are preparing for a crisis.

  10. Getting obvious, 17seconds first video post. What will happen to Tiktok after this? Let's find out.


    Donald Trump's first TikTok is 17 Seconds.

  11. And the TS Dr Noor Hisham demonstrated double-masking to protect themselves. Part of the one big clown-world and the joke on us.

    NEW - Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he "made up" covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids.


  12. Is this a manual for how the individual bring down the wallstreet financial goliaths?

  13. One, a tragic homicide, isolated incident.

    Two, a message send, to Tulsi Gabbard. Who is Tulsi Gabbard and what had she been doing lately?


    Tulsi Gabbard’s Aunt Murdered in Cold Blood

    She was stabbed multiple times and beaten to death with a hammer.

    Follow @Vigilant_News

  14. ~~~~~
