Wednesday, June 26, 2024

9/11 disclosure that may implicate Bibi Netanyahu as a co-conspirator


It’s All Catching Up to Bibi Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is showing all the signs of heading for an early election, probably next spring. The leaders of coalition parties are already openly campaigning, Netanyahu’s Likud party is beginning to crack, senior military and civil-service figures are clashing openly with the prime minister, and Netanyahu remains broadly unpopular, despite overall public support for the war.

Ratcheting up the pressure even more, an old scandal returned to haunt the beleaguered leader yesterday: A state commission of inquiry accused him of putting Israel’s security at risk and harming the country’s foreign relations and economy by mishandling a submarine-procurement deal from 2009 to 2016. Netanyahu seemed to shrug off the commission as politically biased against him, but he has still to respond to the accusation.

Finally, earlier today, Israel’s supreme court declared the long-held draft exemption of ultra-Orthodox men as illegal and called on the government to either recruit them or enact a law relieving them from conscription. The ruling strains Netanyahu’s coalition of nationalist and religious parties, leaving the prime minister with a host of bad options. — The Atlantic

Our Take: This article does a fine job of framing the doomed situation in which Bibi Netanyahu finds himself.

I should start by sharing that today it was reported that Netanyahu's wife, Sarah, recently told the families of the hostages taken by Hamas that IDF leadership is "staging a coup" against her husband. This bizarre turn of events led to one of the fathers publicly responding by stating,

"Instead of doing everything to save lives, [Netanyahu] is spreading delusional conspiracies and is busy inciting and sowing division. If this is what the Netanyahu family thinks and this is how things are handled, what wonder is it that there's no [hostage] deal and that the country is going up in flames? Today it's already clear that there will be no deal and there will be no revival [for Israel] as long as Netanyahu is in power."

Wew, lad.

It is rather strange for Mrs. Netanyahu to say such things to bereaved families who are desperately seeking information regarding the well-being of their loved ones, hoping that they are still alive.

Netanyahu's son, Yair—who has been criticized across the internet for hiding out in Miami, evading his expected service in the IDF—took to social media to lay blame on the IDF brass, calling out individuals by name and demanding investigations into their perceived failures.

You then also have this major Supreme Court ruling, which reverses the decades-old practice of exempting ultra-Orthodox Jews from IDF conscription, allowing their rabbinic studies to satisfy their service to the Jewish State. (The secular liberals have always been okay with this, as they didn't want to intermix with the "religious kooks" in the barracks.)

The problem for Netanyahu, who must now decide whether to extend the draft to include the ultra-Orthodox, is that he has already been threatened on multiple occasions by the Radical Zionist ministers in his cabinet, Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, who have threatened to resign if the ultra-Orthodox are conscripted. Their resignations would trigger a legal dissolving of the government, forcing new elections for all positions, including Prime Minister.

Further exacerbating Netanyahu's gambit with Ben-Gvir are recent spats between the two over the latter's duplicitous ambition. After War Cabinet minister Benny Gantz resigned from the government two weeks ago, compelling Netanyahu to dissolve the specially-formed war cabinet, Ben-Gvir confronted the PM and demanded that he form a new war cabinet that would include Ben-Gvir. Netanyahu responded by accusing Ben-Gvir of leaking information to the press, stating that he needed to prove his loyalty to Netanyahu before such ambitions could be satisfied.


Looming in the background of all of this madness is centrist Benny Gantz, who has remained publicly active since resigning from Netanyahu's war cabinet, appearing at the protest in downtown Tel Aviv, where an estimated 100,000 Israeli citizens have amassed demanding that Netanyahu resign and new elections be held. Remember: Trump publicly endorsed Gantz on Israeli media after Gantz lost the 2021 election to Bibi.

If Gantz can convince Defense Minister Yoav Gallant to join his protest of Netanyahu, and resign, then Gantz has a decent chance of defeating Netanyahu in a new election, and Trump has telegraphed that Gantz will be the peacemaker for Israel. Meanwhile, the MSM is reporting that Gallant is Biden's "inside man," and it is widely speculated that the Biden regime is also pushing him to revolt against Netanyahu. Almost as if Biden was working for Trump ...

It's a political pincer move, which may coincide with a 9/11 disclosure that (I think) will implicate Bibi Netanyahu as a co-conspirator.

Can you see The Plan? — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry


  1. Replies
    1. Ya, Ya, Go meet Yahya Sinwar, Hamas Terrorist chief there.

    2. Jewish hell ain't Islamic hell - even though both shared the same Abrahamic doctrines!

  2. The attached video link had a clickbaity title, however, the content, about 13m long, is a documentary compilation of various segments that build a case for IL involvement.

    And, Cynthia McKinley was a Democratic Party legislator before.


    Well, well, well . . . Israeli official admits 9/11 was an Israeli operation?
