Wednesday, June 19, 2024

N. Korea, Russia sign mutual defence deal



N. Korea, Russia sign

mutual defence deal


The pledge of military cooperation was part of a strategic treaty inked during a summit in Pyongyang.

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North Korea is accused of providing ammunition and missiles to Russia for its war in Ukraine. (AP pic)

SEOUL: Russian president Vladimir Putin signed today a mutual defence agreement with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, who offered his “full support” on Ukraine.

The pledge of military cooperation was part of a strategic treaty signed during a summit in Pyongyang, where Putin was making his first visit in 24 years.

“It is really a breakthrough document,” Putin said at a press conference in the North Korean capital, adding that it provided, “among other things, for mutual assistance in case of aggression against one of the parties to this treaty”, Russian news agencies reported.

The two countries have been allies since North Korea’s founding after World War II, and have drawn even closer after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 isolated Putin on the global stage.

The US and its allies have accused North Korea of providing ammunition and missiles to Russia for its war in Ukraine, and the treaty was certain to fuel concerns of more deliveries.

Putin said Russia “does not rule out military-technical cooperation with the DPRK in connection with the treaty that was signed today”, referring to the North by its official name.

Kim called Putin the “dearest friend of the Korean people” and said his country “expresses full support and solidarity to the Russian government” over the war in Ukraine, which has triggered rafts of UN sanctions on Moscow.

Putin, in turn, thanked his host Kim – whose country has been under a UN sanctions regime since 2006 over his banned weapons programmes – saying Moscow appreciated the “consistent and unwavering” support.

Putin said the two heavily sanctioned countries would not tolerate western “blackmail”, and called for a review of United Nations (UN) sanctions on North Korea.

“The indefinite restrictive regime inspired by the US and its allies at the UN Security Council towards the DPRK should be reviewed,” Putin said.

Putin arrived in Pyongyang before dawn today to be greeted by Kim on a red carpet at the airport where the pair embraced and smiled.

They then attended a welcoming ceremony in Kim Il-sung Square, featuring a military band and mass synchronised dancing, after which Putin invited his host to visit Moscow.

The summit, which included a lengthy one-on-one chat between the leaders, was their second meeting in a year.

Kim took his bulletproof train to Russia’s far east last September for a summit with Putin at a space port.

Kim said today that the two countries’ ties had now risen “to a new high of alliance”.

“It is greatly satisfying to conclude a great treaty that befits a changed international situation and the strategic nature of new DPRK-Russia relations,” he said.

Russia will now “largely sabotage the sanctions regime around North Korea, in deed if not in word,” Vladimir Tikhonov, professor of Korean Studies at the University of Oslo, told AFP.

The new mutual support clause is “a reminder to Americans that Russia may complicate their lives if they support Ukraine too enthusiastically,” he said, pointing to the some 28,000 US troops based in South Korea, which is a key regional security ally of Washington.

The deal between Moscow and Pyongyang “may make US military planning on the Korean Peninsula a much more complex affair”, he added.

The two Koreas have remained technically at war since their 1950-53 conflict and the border dividing them is one of the most heavily fortified in the world.

This week’s visit was a way for Putin to thank the North “for acting as an ‘arsenal for autocracy’ in support of his illegal invasion of Ukraine”, said Leif-Eric Easley, a professor at Ewha University in Seoul.

It was also part of Russia’s drive to secure “strategic space” in Northeast Asia to counter US influence in the region, Seoul-based Institute for National Security Strategy’s senior research fellow Kim Sung-bae told AFP.

“This intention is further evidenced by Putin’s visit to Vietnam,” he said, with the Russian leader set to fly to Hanoi after his trip to the North.


  1. Replies
    1. wakakaka, apt description for Bye-Deen and the Ukrainian Clown, and then the Shylock Monster and his wankee clownish Macai

  2. Zelensky is no idiot and no monster.
    Bidin Sleely Joe maybe.



    Un is a hugger. He initiated it. Seems like he is super pumped to have real friends in the world who aren’t psychotic killers. (CIA…)

    JACOB Accords confirmed.

    If you find yourself unable to enjoy the Putin-KJU bro-mance, then I feel sorry for you. This is some of the best geopolitical entertainment since Trump left office.

    The fact that the psychopaths at the State Department are likely melting down over this is just the icing on the cake.

    The JACOB Accords

    (Just A Couple Of Bros)

  4. Will the real Kim JU stands up?


    Look at how Un engages with each person, the eye contact, the smile, the occasional embrace.

    Remember how Trump was the first foreign leader ever photographed with Un smiling?

    It seems like that character is dead, Un is a different person, with normal behavior. So no more handlers?

    Maybe he is merely in a holding pattern until sanity returns to the White House. It will be interesting to see if Putin is able to get North Korean markets open for trade.

    That would mean undermining the UN, which many countries are already saying is illegitimate...

  5. ~~~~~

    The News Cycle is almost impossible to track these days. At least, to do so fully.


    Russia’s Putin arrives in North Korea for rare trip as anti-West alignment deepens


    Our Take: What a day in Pyongyang.


    White House baffled by Netanyahu's claim Biden is withholding weapons


    Our Take: Something very significant just happened; Something that I have been waiting for since before October 7th.

    The Turn.


    Billionaire under sanctions could get $300mn in controversial US-Congo deal


    Our Take: Well, well, well... look what the cat puked up.



    Secret Democrat plot to replace Biden revealed: How Clinton, Obama, Pelosi and Schumer would topple the aging President… and when they'd do it


  6. Your beloved Putin's offensive against Kharkiv is failing , with MASSIVE Russki barbarian dead and wounded.

    Oh... Putin lovers are of course going to turn around and say Nah..he never intended to capture Kharkiv, just disrupting Ukraine's resources

    1. Wakakakaka…

      Mfer only read warfront news selectively.

      Never ever know 声东击西!

    2. You won't read this in Syed Bodoh's blog.

      Russian forces surrender En Masse to the Ukranian Army.

  7. Wakakakaka…

    How come no major western media r going round the globe to report this news?

    To embarrassing to quote fake news to tarnish their logos!
