Murray Hunter
CMI admits potentially losing strategic partnerships to its degree-certificate deal in Malaysia
Education ministry asks CMI questions
JUN 10, 2024

Picture above: (Business Today) Sunway University leadership and management program had the full force of CMI UK in attendance. Pictured in the front row are CMI Malaysia Regional Board Dr. Prebagaran Jayaraman, Chair CMI Malaysia Regional Board Taranjeet Singh, former Chair CMI Malaysia Regional Board Dr. Roselina Ahmad Saufi, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan; Dr. Kelly Wee Kheng Soon, Monique Yong, Managing Partner, PeoplePlus Asia Group, CMI UK, Ann Francke, CEO, Professor Bob Cryan, Vice-Chancellor University of Huddersfield, CMI Board of Trustees Zain Munir, Head of International, UK Joanna Frohmaier Head of Events and Regional Operations UK, Others Shahul Dawood, CEO of HRD CorpOng Kian Yew, CEO, The National Tech Association of Malaysia (PIKOM) Dr. Jason Turner, Head of Business School, University of Southampton Malaysia.
After a long period of inactivity in Malaysia, the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Malaysia and Sunway University held a leadership and management program. The event was reported to attract approximately 500 industry leaders, professionals and students for discussions and networking.
The UK management body, Chartered Management Institute (CMI) has been selling 'unaccredited certificates' through local universities through an insolvent local shell company - CMI Leadership & Management Sdn. Bhd.
Students at a number of leading Malaysian universities are being given degrees packaged with 'unaccredited' certificates in Malaysia, and credentials from the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) in the United Kingdom according to evidence uncovered from public domain sources.
These ‘value-added’ Dual Degree Awards claim to offer unique curriculum content, career development tools, internships, mentoring, student events and networking, along with job interview training, that carries a CMI certificate.
The certificates are issued by the CMI, which has charitable status in the United Kingdom and managed through a wholly-owned commercial subsidiary, CMI Management and Leadership Sdn Bhd in Malaysia.
The CMI certificates are widely available in packages, bundled with degrees awarded by Malaysian public and private universities including Asia e-University, Asia Metropolitan University (AMU), Asia Pacific University (APU), HELP University, Heriot Watt University Malaysia, International University of Malaya-Wales, IPK College, Kolej Universiti Poly-Tech MARA (KUPTM), Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST), Perdana University, Putra Business School, Saito University College, SIDMA College Sabah and Sarawak, Sunway University Business School, Taylor’s University, UNIRAZAK University, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Universiti Technology Mara (UiTM), Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Universiti Utara Malaysia, and Yes International College.
CMI UK, has refused to answer any the questions the writer has put to the institute regarding the CMI certificate in Malaysia.
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CMI now says that a number of its Malaysian strategy partners are questioning the CMI arrangements. CMI further states some Malaysian universities are considering a halt to their degree-certificate relationships. CMI believes that some partner universities may want to discontinue their arrangements with CMI.
Further, CMI has disclosed that CMI Malaysia was questioned by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) officials on the allegations that CMI is selling unaccredited certificates.
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