Saturday, December 10, 2022

Sarawak DAP claims its MPs blocked from becoming deputy ministers

Sarawak DAP claims its MPs blocked from becoming deputy ministers

Sarawak DAP chairman Chong Chieng Jen speaks to media at Parliament in Kuala Lumpur April 8, 2019. — Picture by Firdaus Latif

Saturday, 10 Dec 2022 4:46 PM MYT

KUCHING, Dec 10 — Sarawak DAP today claimed “some quarters” requested for the exclusion of its members of Parliament (MPs) from being appointed as deputy ministers in the national unity government.

Its chairman Chong Chieng Jen said he was informed of this by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim last night before the announcement, explaining the delicate situation of the present political landscape in the country.

“We understand that under the present circumstances, national interest of political stability and a stronger government rises above all personal interest and positions.

“As our party secretary-general, Anthony Loke, has made it clear: our party’s support for Anwar to be the prime minister is unconditional, we accept whatever arrangement that the prime minister makes for a more stable government,” Chong, who is Stampin MP, said when explaining the reason for the exclusion of any five state DAP MPs on the list of deputy ministers.

“We strongly believe that with Pakatan Harapan as the backbone of the present government, the administration will move away from the old days of corruption and cronyism.

“Those who have been accustomed to the old Barisan Nasional’s way of running the government will have to change to be more accountable,” he stressed.

Chong called on the state party members and supporters not to be disappointed and dismayed about the current arrangement.

He said all Sarawak DAP MPs will continue to play their role as the backbenchers of the government and voice out for the people of Sarawak.

“We will do our best to provide the necessary check and balance in Parliament and to ensure that the principles of transparency, accountability and good governance are complied with by the ministries and government agencies,” he said.

Chong said the state DAP will meet here tomorrow morning to deliberate on its direction for the next five years.

“While some parties in Sarawak want to see Sarawak DAP weakened, we strongly believe, so long as the people are with us, we will be able to fight against all odds to be stronger.

“Our strength lies in the support from the people, not the number of ministers or deputy ministers.

“More importantly, we will persist in our ideals and continue in our struggle to make Malaysia a better country and to improve the quality of life of all Malaysian,” he added.

Chong then congratulated all who were appointed as deputy ministers and wished them success.


  1. Apa pasal DAP mau kacau orang pribumi Sarawak dan Sabah. Kalau mau jadi pribumi lekas balik kampung asal.

    1. Awak-lah yang bercakap karut!

    2. Mfer, terlalu banyak hisap shabu ke?

      Tau ke ada pribumi asal di dalam DAP Sarawak?

      Cepat cari cermin, baru u berkentut!

    3. Still not willing to play mud while shitting in the pond, mfer?

  2. Pri Bumi, Bumi putera, orang lahir kat MaluSIAL adalah bumiputera ASLI....apa beza nya....Darah awak warna Hijau ke??....jadi Katak lopat ke Air Lau dan PERGI MAMPUS.....Jangan GUNA DARAH MERAH BABI BILA KENA KEMALANGAN, PERLUKAN DARAH.....
