Friday, March 18, 2022

Western Combatants Flee Ukraine After Russian Strike Kills Dozens: A Different Kind of War to Iraq or Afghanistan

Military Watch:

Western Combatants Flee Ukraine After Russian Strike Kills Dozens: A Different Kind of War to Iraq or Afghanistan

British Volunteer (left) and Canadian Volunteer 'Wali'

Following a March 13 Russian missile strike on a military facility at Yavoriv in western Ukraine, which reportedly killed several dozen Western combatants, Western volunteer fighters have reportedly begun to flee the country when faced with a much more intense kind of warfare than expected.

After the outbreak of hostilities between Russia and Ukraine on February 24 it was widely reported that citizens of Western countries were volunteering in their thousands to join the war, a large proportion of them with combat experience. While their motivation appeared predominantly ideological they were dismissed in Russian media as mercenaries. 

Swedish volunteer Jesper Soder described the Russian missile strike as “Pure hell – fire, shouting, panic. And a lot more bombs and missiles,” stating that he had quickly led Western combatants including Scandinavians, British and Americans out of Ukraine across the Polish border. “They knew exactly what to hit. They knew exactly where our weapons storage was. They knew exactly where the administration building was. They hit the nail on the head with all their missiles,” he stated regarding the precision of the Russian attack.

Ukrainian Ground Forces

A U.S. Army veteran who also survived the Russian missile strike on Yavoriv and subsequently left the country stated: “I survived because the missiles struck the hard structures instead of the tents where I was,” adding that over two thirds of Western volunteers decided to leave immediately.

Regarding the calibre of the Western volunteers he stated: “Some were professional soldiers and are still competent. Others are drunks, people with the most marginal military experience, and people who really should not have come at all.”

Other survivors advised potential future volunteers that the “situation is absolutely f***ed,” stressing: “Go ahead and join the legion, by all means, but be very aware of how bad Kyiv is going to get and be aware that Russians have warplanes and you will have next to nothing. Be very acceptant of the possibility of death. Those of us who left, including SF (special forces) operators from multiple countries, are simply risk mitigating. No one wants to die in an unfair fight, and after getting absolutely f***ing pummelled by massive cruise missiles today – yeah I kind of want people to think twice before turning their life upside down to go and volunteer.” 

Regarding the state of Ukrainian forces, he stated: “They’re sending untrained guys to the front with little ammo and s**t AKs and they’re getting killed … The guys who are there now will all be going to Kyiv and many will die, the legion is totally outgunned and has a few crazy Ukrainian leaders.”

Launch of Russian Iskander Tactical Ballistic Missile

The Russian Defence Ministry has warned that ‘Western mercenaries’ in Ukraine would not be treated as prisoners of war, and strongly advised them against joining the conflict. 

The most notable reported death of a Western combatant was a veteran of the NATO war in Afghanistan from the Royal Canadian Infantry’s 22nd Regiment, the sniper known in Arabic as Wali - or ‘the Guardian,’ who reportedly died within days of entering Ukraine. Having served from 2009 to 2011, and subsequently volunteered with Kurdish militias to fight the Islamic State terror group, ’the Guardian’ gained the title of NATO’s deadliest sniper with some reports indicating he held a record of 40 kills in a day. The circumstances of his death remain unknown.

‘The Guardian's' case reflects a wider phenomenon - namely that while Western personnel have considerable experience operating in low intensity conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan with limited firepower beyond firearms, even limited involvement in Ukraine represents an entirely different kind of warfare for which even veterans with considerable experience in counterinsurgency wars are far from prepared.


  1. Military Watch, which is a Russian propaganda site, dare not mention the thousands of dead Russian invaders , or the 4 Russian Generals killed in 3 weeks of fighting - an attrition rate which will devastate the Russian Army.

  2. A known-nothing mfer has been loudmouthed about the death of 4 Russian military generals in the current Ukraine crisis.

    It used that as the indication of ineptness & poor military commands/strategies of this Russian operation.

    Little does it know that it has been a long tradition of the Russko Bear for their top military commanders to lead the army into the fighting zone - ACTUALLY standing shoulder with shoulder with the other fighting comrades in the frontlines.

    Unlike all the other military outfits, where the top heads r sitting way far back from the fighting fronts - plotting, shouting & cursing their military commands into the communication lines linked to the war zones.

    Hence, the casualty of top Russian military officers dying in the war zone IS always very very high. This is a standing record in almost all Russia participated wars since the red october revolution.

  3. According to the latest Russian covert Intel, wali isn't dead YET. But he is a marked man targeted by top Russian snipers.

    He narrowly escaped dead from his last front line duty in Mariupol once his identity there was marked by the Russian.

    It's now apparent he has 'retreated' back to Poland as his cover isn't tight & secured!

  4. Switzerland is a pure financial land. How much assets do Chinese people deposit in Switzerland? These assets are probably no longer safe now.

    China benefits in the sense that it was able to watch a dry run of what's in the offing for itself in due course. China needs to brace itself.

    Written by Li Guangman :

    Some worries brought about by the Russia-Ukraine war :

    After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the robbery behavior in the entire Western world broke many Chinese people's perceptions, which made me feel a strong and deep worry.

    First, in the past, the Chinese generally believed that all public platforms were neutral and would not be interrupted no matter what happened. However, after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, some so-called public platforms immediately announced their participation in sanctions against Russia. First, a large number of foreign Internet service operators headed by the United States announced sanctions against Russia and launched a "disconnection action" against Russia. The second is the removal of major Russian banks from the U.S.-controlled SWIFT system, making it impossible for major Russian banks to conduct global transactions and settlements. Both the network root directory system and the U.S. dollar settlement system are so-called public platforms controlled by the United States. Once a war breaks out, all of them will become weapons of war, and even become a key factor in determining the victory of the war. The greater the reliance on these systems, the more victims will suffer. the deeper the degree.

    Second, some previous propaganda told us that satellites in space are safe and will not be attacked, and space wars will not break out. However, immediately after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, a mysterious hacker group (apparently the cyber army of some government organizations) attacked the Russian space control center, and claimed to have shut down the Russian space center and successfully made all Russian satellites out of control. The Russian space control center said it was indeed attacked, but the security system automatically obscured the attack and repelled it. Does this suggest that warfare has extended into space? Are space battles going on all the time?

    Third, the Chinese generally believe that banks in Western countries are safer than domestic banks, and Western countries attach great importance to the sacrosanctity of private property. However, after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian War, the entire Western countries immediately erupted with ferocity like hungry wolves and devoured Russia. All the assets of the government and private individuals overseas were looted, not only the bank assets were frozen, but even the luxury yachts and private residences of the Russians overseas were taken away. According to preliminary statistics, the total amount of Russian overseas assets frozen by Western groups this time is about 8 trillion US dollars. Li Ka-shing, who had previously cashed out hundreds of billions of yuan from China and switched to the UK, has recently started selling grid assets worth more than 100 billion yuan in the UK. What does that mean? These capital tycoons who have no motherland and no conscience are finally starting to feel unsafe to invest overseas. What is China's total overseas assets? Some people estimate that the total overseas assets of the Chinese government, enterprises and individuals are about 16 trillion US dollars, which is roughly equivalent to China's total GDP in one year. To freeze US Treasury bonds purchased by China. Once a conflict breaks out between China and the United States or between China and Western countries, the United States and Western countries will definitely take action against China's overseas assets, which is certain.

    ( to continue )

  5. Fourth, in the consciousness of the Chinese, Switzerland is a neutral country, and it is absolutely safe to store money in Switzerland. However, after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Switzerland immediately gave up its neutral position, announced its participation in sanctions against Russia, and froze all Russian funds in Swiss banks. , thus uncovering the hypocrisy that Switzerland is a pure financial land. How much assets do Chinese people deposit in Switzerland? These assets are probably no longer safe now.

    Fifth, after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, almost all high-tech companies in the United States and Western groups announced their participation in sanctions against Russia. They cut off the supply of Russian chips and all high-tech products. Musk’s Starlink also participated in the sanctions against Russia. Sanctions and support for Ukraine, Apple is also involved in sanctions, the depth and breadth of the technology sanctions imposed on Russia by the entire West are beyond our imagination, sanctions are imposed on anything that can sting or kill Russia, and the methods are used to the extreme. , what science without borders is just bullshit. In this regard, the United States has already used China's Huawei. In the future, once a conflict between China and the United States breaks out, the United States and the West will definitely impose the most severe sanctions and embargoes on all high-tech products, materials and technologies in China. There is no doubt about this.

    Sixth, many Chinese believe that Western public opinion is the freest and Western news is the most truthful. However, after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the entire Western public opinion has become a public opinion war machine launched against Russia, and the major Internet platforms in the United States and Europe. They have closed Russia's external communication channels, they control the entire public opinion dissemination, guide public opinion in a direction that is beneficial to the United States and the West, and they continue to create fake news. Once a conflict between China and the United States breaks out, the United States will definitely launch a war of public opinion against China. On the one hand, it strictly seals the voice of China, preventing China from speaking in the world, and on the other hand, it amplifies the negative news that attacks and smears China.

  6. Seventh, there are many other sanctions. For example, the sports, cultural, artistic, and music industries have imposed sanctions on Russia, and even Russian cats and Russian trees have been sanctioned. It looks funny, but it is not funny. A true manifestation of Western political and cultural hegemony, which allows us to see how deep and wide the influence and control of Western hegemony are. These areas that do not seem to belong to politics have suddenly become weapons of war. It has become a tool of war that kills people without blood. This is probably the first time we have such a deep feeling.

    The above points should give us a sense of sudden awakening. Now we will truly realize that the Russian-Ukrainian war is actually a real all-out war waged by the entire Western bloc against Russia. The Western bloc has launched an all-out war against Russia in all fields, in addition to providing arms and funds to Ukraine. The means of participating in the war are either open or covert, but they are all aimed at the key points of Russia, and both are fatal. If the United States and the Western bloc were not afraid of Russia's thousands of nuclear bombs, and not afraid of Putin's strongman character as he said and did, they must have already rushed to bite them directly.

    In my opinion, the contradictions between China and the United States and the group of Western countries are irreconcilable and inevitable. All the means and weapons used by the United States and Western groups on Russia today will be used on China, and they will only be more vicious and barbaric. There will be no exceptions.

    There will definitely be conflicts between China and the United States. The United States and Western blocs will definitely cut off China's Internet connection with the world. They will definitely launch attacks on China's space satellites and satellite navigation systems. They will definitely drive China out of SWIFT and make China like Russia and Iran. Launching an unprecedented financial war against China will definitely impose stricter and more comprehensive sanctions and blockades against China on high-tech and high-end manufacturing industries. To launch a color revolution, we will definitely try to isolate China from the so-called "mainstream" of world politics in all fields. The war will be carried out with cruelty and barbarism beyond our imagination. There will be no so-called morality, and there will be no The so-called rules, in addition to life and death, there is no way out.

    This comprehensive war launched by the United States and the Western bloc against Russia is a realistic version of the sand table exercise for us, and it is a bloody teaching. We must start to act now, start the layout, and be fully prepared to deal with a comprehensive war that is bound to happen in the future, which is related to the fate of the country and life and death.

    The situation is getting more and more serious, not the storm is coming, but the storm is coming, we must act now, act now, act now, because the hatred of the United States and the entire Western bloc against China is deeper than that of Russia, destroying and The will and impulse to loot China is stronger.

    So the coming war will be more tragic and bloody, there will be no mercy, there will be no reinforcements, everything can only depend on ourselves, on our own strength, on our own preparations, on our own will, There is no way out of his own struggle.
