Saturday, October 09, 2021

How 'powerful' will Parti Kuasa Rakyat be?

by Zaid Ibrahim

COMMENT | There’s a new party that will be launched tomorrow by Kamaruzaman Yaakob, the older brother of Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob. It’s called Parti Kuasa Rakyat.

Although I’m not invited, I am still looking forward to being there, as I am excited whenever a new party is born.

I don't know Kamaruzaman (above), although he was my contemporary in student politics. I was closer to a dedicated socialist, Hishamuddin Rais.

Of course, the prime mover of "marhainism" or "the party for the poor" was PKR president Anwar Ibrahim, although Anwar was more of an "Islamist", banding his political ideas with Islamic content.

Hishamuddin and Kamaruzaman could be described, in those days, as democratic socialists. Somewhat similar to the genuine socialist Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj from Sungai Siput, Perak.

Kamaruzaman felt he was a victim when allegations of a political conspiracy were bandied about regarding his new party because his brother is the prime minister and an Umno leader. He should not worry what others say.

If he is genuinely interested in realigning national politics so that government policies are more friendly to the working class, then he deserves support. His party is more exciting than the multitude of Malay only Muslim only, Chinese only and Indian only parties. They are so dull and bereft of ideas.

It is alright for Kamaruzaman to support his brother, the prime minister, as he has proudly declared. It's only natural.

After all, Ismail Sabri is our second prime minister who was not born from a wealthy class and so he could be more sympathetic to the issues of the poor. In fact, I think our prime minister will support some of his older brother's initiatives if presented coherently to the government.

Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob

The real challenge

But Kamaruzaman has to have his eyes wide open and willing to be objective about what is happening in the country. Is he willing to criticise government policies and laws that are inimical to the welfare of the workers and the poor? Will he ask for the repeal of certain laws that criminalise criticisms of the elites and aristocrats so that a more transparent and accountable society can rise?

I need to remind him that what is hard in this country is not having a brother as a prime minister but pursuing political ideals that are democratic and egalitarian. The challenge is to imbue our society with the right values to attain a fair and just environment for everyone.

Fairness means that if the government approves the registration of Parti Kuasa Rakyat, then Kamaruzaman must also fight for Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman’s party Malaysian United Democratic Alliance to be registered. Will he do that?

How does Kamaruzaman hope to address the myopic and occasionally toxic issues of privileges and rights (famously known as Art 153) so that the poor marhain, regardless of race and religion can get a fair deal?

To dismantle decades of selfish policies designed to protect the rich and the ruling class require absolute honesty and integrity. It requires great material sacrifice. Perhaps launching the new party at an exclusive venue is a wrong signal to give if we are fighting for the poor.

Let Bersatu and Umno carry the symbol of wealth and arrogance. Let Parti Pejuang Tanah Air and Perkasa, and PAS have the image of "exclusive racial and religious clubs".

Parti Kuasa Rakyat has to shape itself more along the lines of successful socialists parties in other countries. The struggle will be long and hard.

Unless Kamaruzaman is willing to do this, then he and his party will not succeed. He will be remembered as just another political operative willing to play a designated role, to placate and please the rich and the powerful. We already have so many such players in our political midst.

ZAID IBRAHIM is a former de facto law minister

1 comment:

  1. More likely than not, the "Party Kuasa Rakyat" is inspired and encouraged by UMNO or Azmin's group in Bersatu.

    It's a long standing, standard assumption in Malaysia among "analysts" that more Opposition players serve to split and confuse Opposition votes, giving advantage to the Ruling party , such as BN /UMNO with their dependable Loyal Voters.

    Hence GE13's PAS putting up candidates together with UMNO in many seats, hoping to siphon off Harapan votes.

    That assumption has not held up in the past 10 years.
    BN/UMNO's loyal "fixed deposit" voter bank is getting less and less, and more and more voters are Persuadable, making more and more seats competitive in General Elections.
