Thursday, March 20, 2025

Non-halal couple goes viral being scolded by vigilante lady: JAKIM approves?

Non-halal couple goes viral being scolded by vigilante lady: JAKIM approves?

By CS Ming

WHO said a certificate is not important nowadays? But of course we are not talking about those degrees and diplomas received after completing a course in a tertiary education.

We are talking about a marriage certificate with Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM)’s stamp of approval on it.

Recently, a lady courted attention in the cyberspace for reprimanding a couple who were being a bit too affectionate in the dark.

Captions in the video stated that she just left the gym with the time at 12.30am. Along the way, she discovered a couple committing sins in the form of touching and kissing.

Berani betul akak ni tegur pasangan ni duduk dalam gelap dekat public macamni dalam bulan mulia ni. Terbaik lah akak ni 👏🏻
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What followed was an impromptu lecture for the non-halal couple which were very much unwilling participants. We are certain this lecture is JAKIM-approved.

While the majority of netizens applauded her actions, some believed she should have just kept to her own business.

“This sister is the real dakwah,” said @boirasmi while @kamaghul added that we needed more people such as these.

Netizen @chifuyuhanhan further pointed out that they fast during the day but commit immorality during the night. “Your fasting only goes to waste,” said @chifuyuhanhan.

Echoing his thoughts were @ItsGarylicious who said this couple would have been worse if it was not the fasting month. Perhaps the winning comment goes to @InfoSemasaKini.

The video has since prompted @chkwngs_24 to state that the ladies of the current age are becoming cheap.

Perhaps the solution for such a sticky problem came from netizen @kepalakoteyyy, suggesting the couple be sent to Afghanistan.

However, the non-halal couple also have a defender who came in the form of @kdarrsh.

To this, a fellow muslim replied that it was a sin not to reprimand the non-married couple. However, some said the lady should not have recorded the video.

Towards this statement, perhaps, @Alonectic_ said she could have recorded this as a form of advertisement for herself.

“Is this sister being brave because she is stern or because she is single,” @Asyraf_Makaveli wondered.—Mar 2, 2025

Main image: kamaghul deghaman (X)

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