DAP earns rare praise from Siti Kasim for its 10-year fixed PM term but PAS gets snubbed for ‘Islamising’ idea

RALLYING DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke Siew Fook to walk the talk after having mooted a fixed premiership tenure of 10 years which she supports wholeheartedly, Siti Kasim has poured scorn on PAS for rejecting the proposal on the basis that “it goes against God’s will”.
In his Minda Presiden PAS column, the Islamist party’s supremo Tan Sri Hadi Awang has warned of the so-called DAP’s tactic “to seize power by weakening the position of Islam and the Malay race branded as Muslims”, hence the need to defend the sanctity of Islam at all costs.
Abdul Hadi Awang
on TuesdayMinda Presiden PAS
Apabila Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP) mencadangkan had tempoh sepuluh tahun bagi jawatan Perdana Menteri, tiba-tiba ramai yang berlumba-lumba memberikan sambutan positif. Mereka seolah-olah melupakan, jahil atau tidak mempedulikan dasar yang lebih penting bagi mencapai wawasan dunia dan akhirat yang kekal mengikut ketetapan Allah yang mewajibkan Islam memimpin negara.
...See moreDisgusted by the seven-term Marang MP’s argument that “Malaysia belongs to Malay Muslims” and that “our motherland is owned by Malay Muslims prior to being seized by colonialists”, Siti Kasim could not help but to throw a spanner into such flawed logic.
“If you truly wish to go back to the distance past, history (backed with archaeological discoveries) has proven that this land of ours has elements of Hinduism,” quipped the human rights activist and lawyer in her latest YouTube rant.
“If you want to talk about thousands of years ago, Islam has yet to set foot here … I just can’t relay what has this (race and religion) got to do with the fixed term limit for the PM.
Editor’s Note: Before the arrival and rise of Islam which began in 1409 after Parameswara became Sultan of Melaka and converted to Islam after marrying a princess from the Samudera Pasai Sultanate, inhabitants of the Malay Peninsula were either Hindu-Buddhists or practised indigenous faiths.
“I can’t fathom how his followers can look up to him despite his shallow thinking … God doesn’t manage our country but the country is managed by Malaysians, including yourself who is voted in by the rakyat.”
Calling on Hadi to stop assuming that “you’re assigned as God’s trustee”, Siti Kasim insisted that the bottom line is the advantages of the fixed term tenure far exceed the disadvantages given the leaders will optimise their productivity towards building a capable team to leave behind a legacy of their reign.
“Likewise, a fixed term PM or president will be more responsive and efficient in handling changing needs and putting in place proper succession planning with new leadership talent or even ensuring diversity,” she justified.
“In the long-term, this will eradicate all administrative woes linked to leaders who have clinched on to power for too long, notably corruption, nepotism and cronyism.
“As such misdeeds are so glaring in Malaysia with certain leaders refusing to give up their positions so they can continue to put their hands in the rakyat‘s purse, I truly hope DAP can disregard noises from the walaun (stanch PAS supporters) faction to see through its proposal.”
Earlier, Siti Kasim has ticked off PAS lawmaker Syahir Sulaiman who is also Hadi’s political secretary for having “brains on his knees” after the former remarked that the two-term limit can be discussed on condition that “the PM must be Muslim” in line with the status of Islam as Malaysia’s official religion.

“It’s people like you who will destroy Malaysia,” she hit out at the Bachok MP and Perikatan Nasional (PN) shadow economy minister.
“It’s better for someone who is clean, honest, not corrupt and able to think of humanity regardless of religion or race than people like you who supposedly hides behind the Islamic mask to lead this country.”
Interestingly, Johor DAP vice-chairman Sheikh Umar Bagharib Ali claimed that PAS had supported similar foxed term proposals back in 1999 and 2004 despite Hadi now singing a different tune that such limits were against God’s will.
“PAS supported this proposal when it was part of the Barisan Alternatif coalition in 1999 alongside DAP, Parti Keadilan Nasional (now PKR) and Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM),” he revealed, adding that PAS and PKR had further re-affirmed their support for the term limit before the 2004 general election even after DAP left the coalition in 2001.
“There were no religious objections back then but now that PAS doesn’t want it, a thousand justifications are being made,” fumed Sheikh Umar. – March 21, 2025
Editor’s Note: Before the arrival and rise of Islam which began in 1409 after Parameswara became Sultan of Melaka and converted to Islam after marrying a princess from the Samudera Pasai Sultanate, inhabitants of the Malay Peninsula were either Hindu-Buddhists or practised indigenous faiths.
“I can’t fathom how his followers can look up to him despite his shallow thinking … God doesn’t manage our country but the country is managed by Malaysians, including yourself who is voted in by the rakyat.”
Calling on Hadi to stop assuming that “you’re assigned as God’s trustee”, Siti Kasim insisted that the bottom line is the advantages of the fixed term tenure far exceed the disadvantages given the leaders will optimise their productivity towards building a capable team to leave behind a legacy of their reign.
“Likewise, a fixed term PM or president will be more responsive and efficient in handling changing needs and putting in place proper succession planning with new leadership talent or even ensuring diversity,” she justified.
“In the long-term, this will eradicate all administrative woes linked to leaders who have clinched on to power for too long, notably corruption, nepotism and cronyism.
“As such misdeeds are so glaring in Malaysia with certain leaders refusing to give up their positions so they can continue to put their hands in the rakyat‘s purse, I truly hope DAP can disregard noises from the walaun (stanch PAS supporters) faction to see through its proposal.”
Earlier, Siti Kasim has ticked off PAS lawmaker Syahir Sulaiman who is also Hadi’s political secretary for having “brains on his knees” after the former remarked that the two-term limit can be discussed on condition that “the PM must be Muslim” in line with the status of Islam as Malaysia’s official religion.

“It’s people like you who will destroy Malaysia,” she hit out at the Bachok MP and Perikatan Nasional (PN) shadow economy minister.
“It’s better for someone who is clean, honest, not corrupt and able to think of humanity regardless of religion or race than people like you who supposedly hides behind the Islamic mask to lead this country.”
Interestingly, Johor DAP vice-chairman Sheikh Umar Bagharib Ali claimed that PAS had supported similar foxed term proposals back in 1999 and 2004 despite Hadi now singing a different tune that such limits were against God’s will.
“PAS supported this proposal when it was part of the Barisan Alternatif coalition in 1999 alongside DAP, Parti Keadilan Nasional (now PKR) and Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM),” he revealed, adding that PAS and PKR had further re-affirmed their support for the term limit before the 2004 general election even after DAP left the coalition in 2001.
“There were no religious objections back then but now that PAS doesn’t want it, a thousand justifications are being made,” fumed Sheikh Umar. – March 21, 2025
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