Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Whether UMNO Youth chief is “anak jantan” or not, Ramasamy may sue him for “mabuk” name-calling

Whether UMNO Youth chief is “anak jantan” or not, Ramasamy may sue him for “mabuk” name-calling

THE somehow heated vernacular school row between former Penang chief minister II Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy and UMNO Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh has seen a legal twist with the former bent on teaching the latter who is half his age a thing or two about not simply shooting his mouth off.

The once DAP stalwart who is now the United Rights of Malaysian Party (Urimai) interim council chairman has since instructed his lawyers to ascertain if there is a case for addressing him as “mabuk” (drunk) during one of their exchanges.

Akmal Saleh
on Sunday

"Apa gunanya salahkan sekolah vernakular, jika punca sebenar polarisasi kaum dan agama terletak pada kaedah politik diorganisasikan di negara ini” Ramasamy

Kata parti kamu berbilang kaum,mahu membentuk bangsa malaysia,tetapi bab pendidikan nak diasingkan??

Orang politik seperti kamu inilah yang menjadi punca perpaduan antara kaum selama ini xdapat disuburkan

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“When I criticised Akmal for not understanding the genesis of the vernacular schools, Akmal went berserk by calling me mabuk meaning either I was confused or was in ‘drunken stupor’,” Ramasamy pointed out in a Facebook (FB) statement.

“I have left it to my lawyers to ascertain whether such a name-calling is tantamount to defamation. Subsequently, I took the opportunity to lambast Akmal as immature, confused and with the tendencies for racism.”

Although Muslim convert preacher and academician Prof Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah has praised Akmal as being “anak jantan” (real man) in his criticism of the vernacular school system – and “in particular in taking on veteran politicians like me” – Ramasamy said he has little interest to engage in a debate with the 
Merlimau state assemblyman.

No point engaging with UMNO

“I never called Akmal for discussions over a cup of coffee. It was the present DAP state assemblyman for Bukit Gasing Rajiv Rishyakaran who invited Akmal for a cup of coffee to cool down matters,” explained Ramasamy.

“Although I’m open to rational and intellectual approach to controversial issues, I don’t see anything positive emerging from having discussions with UMNO leaders, particularly a narrow-minded politician like Akmal. These politicians have nothing better to do than continuously hurt the feelings of non-Malays.”

Akmal Saleh
4 hours ago

Saya menerima undangan dari YB Rajiv Rishyakaran untuk berbincang mengenai sekolah satu aliran pada ahad malam ini

Saya mohon juga,agar perbincangan ini diadakan secara terbuka dan membolehkan lebih ramai lagi mendengar apa yang akan kita bincangkan memandangkan ini adalah isu nasional

Mungkin Malaysia Gazette atau Sinar Harian boleh menjadi hos

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On the subject of coffee diplomacy, Ramasamy further lambasted Dr Akmal who in his latest FB post has agreed to hold a discussion on a single stream school this Sunday evening (March 17) with DAP’s Rajiv instead of former Bagan Dalam state assemblyman and current Urimai leadership council member Satees Muninandy who has challenged him for an intellectual debate.

“So, who’s anak jantan and who’s the pengecut (coward) now,” teased Ramasamy who was a three-term Perai state assemblyman.

As for Ridhuan who the political science lecturer of Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin in Kuala Terengganu, Ramasamy has reminded the academician that he has yet “to clear his name from serious allegations of plagiarism”.

“Well, if Akmal is “man enough” to accept the challenge, then Ridhuan Tee can assist him in the debate. But first, Ridhuan Tee must clear the air about the serious allegations of plagiarism directed against him.” – March 13, 2024

1 comment:

  1. Wakakaka.. calling someone Mabuk in Malay is saying the guy is talking nonsense or Hogwash.

    However....there is hidden subtext that racially stereotypes (with some elements of truth) Indian men as alcoholics.
