Friday, March 01, 2024

What if it was a non Muslim MP that said it was the Agong’s personal view?

What if it was a non Muslim MP that said it was the Agong’s personal view?

1 Mar 2024 • 12:00 PM MYT

Image credit: Utusan

Recently, PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan described the Agong’s call for politicians to wait for the next general election as the monarch’s personal view.

Sultan Ibrahim, in his royal decree during the opening of the Dewan Rakyat’s new session recently told politicians from both sides of the divide that he would not entertain attempts to topple the government.

In late Dec 2023, no less than 16 police reports were lodged against DAP lawmaker Ngeh Khoo Ham in Perak, where he apologized and retracted his statement 4 days thereafter, for merely suggesting that non-Muslims be appointed to a special committee formed by the federal government to look into syariah law.

In his apology, Ngeh clarified that it was not his intention to interfere in the management of Islamic affairs and that he had initially thought the government was seeking proposals to amend the Federal Constitution.

A coalition of Islamic NGOs even submitted a memorandum to the DAP headquarters urging for sterner action to be taken against Ngeh.

This was not the 1st time that the PAS Secretary General had a brush with the Agong.

The previous Agong, who ended his tenure on 29 Jan 2024, reprimanded him over his statement on the emergency proclamation and its ordinances, saying it is “inaccurate” and “misled lawmakers in the Dewan Rakyat”.

In a statement issued by Comptroller of the Royal Household, the then Agong expressed his disappointment over the statement made on July 26, 2021 that the government has revoked all emergency ordinances promulgated by His Majesty, although the revocation has not yet been given royal assents and the government then “disregarded His Majesty’s functions and powers as the head of state, as enshrined in the federal constitution” .

In this latest interpretation by the PAS Secretary General, would the Royal Household issue an official rebuke to him?

Are those 16 individuals or groups that make the police reports against Ngeh Khoo Ham make police reports against the PAS Secretary General for his remarks made publicly against the present Agong?

What about the coalition of Islamic NGOs who submitted a memorandum to the DAP HQ?

Are they going to submit a memorandum to the PAS HQ for actions against the Secretary General?

Failing any such actions and in the sum of things, it appears that if the same statement were uttered by a non Muslim MPs, all hell will break loose.

Hundreds or maybe thousands of reports will be lodged against the non Muslim MP.

Threats will be issued against the non Muslim MP.

If the same muteness were shown if the above were uttered by a non Muslim MP, the country will have come of age politically and democratically.

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