Epstein and Ghislane were linked to, controlled and financed by Mossad
From MF - thanks:
Above link revealed below:
Massive response to this one so far but still a lot of confusion about exactly what I’m saying in this article so I’m going to explain it deeper.
It’s all about Epsteins Island.
Now before you go off on some unhinged rant that I’m suggesting in any way I’m connecting Trump to that just take a breath.
I’m not.
But it’s about who set up and ran the Island and for what purpose.
So lets look at the irrefutable facts.
Epstein and Ghislane were linked to, controlled and financed by Mossad and through them Israel.
Ghislanes Dad Robert was a very famous Mossad agent.
The Elite from the USA and other countries were invited to the island to have sex with kids under an agreement that they be filmed doing it.
Movie stars, Sports stars, Music stars, Big Business CEOs, Senators Congressman and even Presidents were on the guest lists and flight logs to the island as we all know.
After Epstein “died” then Ghislane was put on trial and convicted of sex trafficking children to these clients on the Island.
But as we know none of the actual clients who had sex and were videotaped with kids were arrested.
So why were they not arrested?
It’s really really simple.
Israel has control of these people.
Hundreds of the most influential people on the planet all being blackmailed to serve Israel in secret because of those tapes.
You see without those people Israel has no power globally.
So Israel controls the USA legal system to keep them free and in positions of influence.
So what I’m telling you is this.
If you want all these pedophiles arrested you need to realize that if that happens you will be attacking Israel’s ability to rule the world through their influence.
In other words arresting the Peds is a direct attack on Israel.
Do you see now why they are still free?
If they had been arrested in Trumps first term then there would be no foreign aid money and weapons to support the attack on Gaza because the politicians who voted for that would be in jail along with most of the Jewish lobby in Hollywood and other areas to support it.
So what you are seeing now is American Patriots supporting Trump.
You are seeing them calling for the arrests of all of those involved in Epsteins Island.
You are seeing them all claim that when Trump gets in he will fill Gitmo and make those arrests.
But no one is stopping to realize that in order to do that he must directly and publicly oppose Israel to do it.
He must not just oppose them but he must call them out for their actions and expose to the world how they blackmailed hundreds, if not thousands of people over the years, to serve them by allowing them them to have sex with children.
You see you cannot arrest the blackmailed pedophiles and use the video evidence to do it without exposing who built, financed and operated the entire operation to begin with.
Who benefited the most from the entire evil enterprise?
Israel’s foreign policy did.
They made hundreds billions of dollars and had wars fought for their benefit killing millions of people by controlling and blackmailing those who decided to start the wars.
Patriots want the perps on the flight logs arrested.
But it’s a bit like the mafia.
The perps on the flight log are the hit men, pimps, drug dealers, made men and thugs working on the streets to make money for the mob.
But if you take them out the Godfather just replaces them all and keeps going.
You need to take out the head of the snake.
The Godfather.
Sound familiar?
The guys who gave Mossad and Epstein their orders to blackmail the elite in order to dominate the world.
These are the guys Trump needs to take out.
Do you understand now?
He has to go directly at Israel in order to arrest the Epstein Island pedophiles.
There is no middle ground.
He can’t take out Israel’s blackmailed power base and still stay friends with Israel.
If he does it he will hamstring them forever and leave them vulnerable.
Do you get it now?
Alice in Wonderland nonsense.
ReplyDeleteConcocted by diseased brains
Know-nothing fart with blind faith of kowtowing to Zionist controlled propaganda machines!
DeleteDid you know that Elvis is still alive and living in Tel Aviv ?
ReplyDeleteYup, Elvis was a Mossad agent, par excellence.
Who is propagating the continuing living of Elvis?
Delete& what r the minute links u can mfering connecting them to Mossad?
Ooop… heil the Mossad. Heil the Zionist star!
US Conspiracy fringe websites like 4Chan and QANon continue to spin fairy tales about US Government being controlled by a cabal of pedophiles and underground Jewish networks.
ReplyDeleteIt's the same old, same old shit in new packaging.
Mfer, u haven't read about Little St. James?
The resident troll is right, you know. Nonsense! All fastastical nonsense. Why? Hmmm...why ah? ;-)
ReplyDeleteWe will find out why.
Btw, Elvis, Trump, JFK, Abraham Lincoln are of the same bloodline.
Hmm...a certifiably highly addicted troll is running loose and about. Too bad, AADK only accept addicts from their scheduled list of drugs...
ReplyDeleteA Certified pedlar of wild Fake News conspiracy theories is running wild on Ktmoc'sblog.
ReplyDeleteIn danger of transforming Ktemoc Konsiders into a Fake News Conspiracy Theory blog.
ReplyDeleteNah...konspiracy theory...
ReplyDeleteWhatever it is, as a gesture of respect...
I know, it is a big ask. I m ok if this remain in your "inbox -waiting for approval" indefinitely. In the information drop on the anonymous board from a Q level source, there is message marked as 11.3 as marker. Back then, it could mean November 3. Later and over time, it could be US DOD Law War Manual section 11.3, instruction to field commander regarding occupied territory. And then, there is K[11]ing C[3]harles.
DeleteLet's see what'll happen. I understand the ridicule to come if wrong. Not the first time. It does not matter anything to me because I'm just mobilephone keyboard sleuth. If it is true, then you'll have field day with the newsreport coming from the msm, because it will triggered other unavoidable events in the public sphere. I'm mindful of it being a hoax and a LARP. We'll find out soon enough.
King Charles Did Not Die From Cancer or whatever!
DeleteSomething for you to consider...
DJT is a master in doublespeak, sending "comms within a comms". I don't know if these kind of things will get reported in media, most probably not. Other terminology that i come to understand, are twilight language and subliminal messaging, both verbally and hand gestures.
What did you heard in the video that you heard him talk about? Why did I post it in this post? It may not be connecting to the one in this post, but people discuss these kind of stuffs, in order to understand it, and so that everyone who are interested can learn along.
As example, you can checkout Times Magazine frontpage cover, maybe specifically the annual Times man or woman of the year and see where the top of M are placed for some people. Pope Francis was featured as Times Man of the Year, if not mistaken. Trump definitely was featured in the coverpage.
Another one is the Economist magazine front cover.
Interesting...a bit of a long winded private opinion about the altar for sacrificing red heifer in Jerusalem...
"The Altar for sacrificing the red heifers in Jerusalem has just been built"
DeleteAn indication that the Israelis in their fanatical pursuit to rebuild the (3rd) Temple will consequentially demolish al Aqsa Mosque - not something for peace in the Middle-East, au contraire, the opposite will happen