Thursday, September 21, 2023

Take stern action against racist schools

Take stern action against racist schools

YOURSAY | 'Promote the recital of Rukun Negara at classrooms or schools every morning.'

School's 'ban' on students wearing others' traditional attire under probe

Mazhilamani: May I know on whose authority the school acted, was there such a circular from the Education Ministry? Does the minister have a clue about what transpired? What about the state head of the Education Department?

I thought only politicians divide the adults but now the root cause is being traced to schools. It is just unbelievable and shameful.

The teachers in the 1950s and 60s forged and spread the importance of national unity. Now we have some teachers “worming” into the minds of children to celebrate racism.

I am wondering if the dress code policy was devised by a group or committee of teachers. Did they not have one bold teacher to question the intended implementation?

Almost 40 percent of the displeasure or grouses experienced by the rakyat is caused by civil servants who are there to promote the policies of the government fairly and competently. And who bears the agony finally, the ministers and government?

Please promote the recital of Rukun Negara in classrooms or schools every morning.

Baijeibo: Stern action must be taken against the headmaster, headmistress, or teacher(s) concerned; no two ways about it. The incident happened under the Pakatan Harapan administration.

If it is the allegation of Harapan or their supporters that this was an act of sabotage from the civil servants concerned, then punishments must be inflicted upon those involved.

I would like to see how Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek, and National Unity Minister Aaron Ago Dagang handle and respond to the incident.

A few untoward incidents involving school headmasters and teachers have happened since November 2022.

Anwar, lest you forget, you protect the civil servants at your own peril. (Caveat: Of course, there are good civil servants.) Meritocracy must be practised.

Only those who perform well need to be rewarded. Punishments, including termination, must be inflicted on civil servants who do not perform or commit misconduct.

What has the national unity minister done since he was appointed? He is paid with the rakyat’s tax money.

Anwar, at the end of the day, when the elections are here, the buck stops at your desk since you appointed the ministers, especially if you refuse or fail to replace those incompetent ministers with new ones.

Ghost Rider: I can bet RM100 that even after the investigation, the alleged offender will never be punished, and his or her name will never be publicised. He or she may be transferred, that’s all.

Tambun MP, you want to bet with me? Heck, they won’t even publicise the name of the investigator(s). Which means the public has no way to ask questions.

Tambun MP, these are the sickness in our education system and civil service. I hope you will prove me wrong and do this the right way.

For the sake of accountability, publicise the name of the investigating officer, alleged offender, and the name of the school.

Also, publicise video interviews of the students or teachers involved.

NoobMaster69: This is the ripple effect created by Perikatan Nasional when they were in the government, especially by the then education minister, who is now PN’s Putrajaya MP Radzi Jidin.

Did he poison the minds of our educators so that they would turn extreme and start to belittle other cultures?

PN shouldn’t be let in the government again because I don’t know how Malaysia will become if they keep on poisoning our teachers with 3Rs (race, religion, and royalty) issues.

ANONYMOUS: This may be another list of NFA (no further action) under Mr Madani’s (Anwar) government, the biggest Nato (No Action, Talk Only).

The little Napoleans and deep state are fully in control despite Mr Madani's usual big talk.

He has publicly promised and issued warnings to take firm action against the religious extremists, supremacists, racists, and corrupt in power.

However, like an ostrich, he has his head stuck in the sand when such injustices persist with impunity in the last 10 months.

Tkosong: Even without the so-called “Green Wave”, the Anwar administration is already acting as one. Kudos to all who firmly stand against the eroding rights of all Malaysians.

Do not put any high hopes for the government to be fair and protect the rights of all Malaysians.

Doubtful: What nonsense are you (Tkosong) talking about? These racists were already in schools for years before the unity government even came into existence.

Many senior ones have already been indoctrinated with racism by the taxpayer-sponsored National Civics Bureau (BTN) created by a “vile old man”.

BTN may have been abolished now but its poisonous effects continue to reverberate in this country until today. Stop blaming the unity government.

This could be the reason why some parents have serious doubts and reservations about sending their children to national schools.

This could be the reason why, contrary to those racists’ claims, national schools are not places to foster national unity.

This is also the reason why we must never allow racists and religious bigots to take over the federal government.

MarioT: I would blame the headmaster for not fostering racial harmony and tolerance in the school.

He or she cannot claim ignorance or claim not to know what is happening under his or her authority.

It rots from the head. Too many such incidents occur when there is a lack of proper supervision.

Me Ratnam: A discipline teacher decides what is right or wrong and records his bigoted thinking in the personal records of the students.

Was the headmaster aware of this decision? Will the personal records of the students involved be deleted?

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