Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Most Pathetic Reception In Saudi Arabia For Joe Biden the President of the United States.

OutSyed The Box

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Most Pathetic Reception In Saudi Arabia For Joe Biden the President of the United States.

Senile President Joe Biden and his entourage arrived in Saudi Arabia recently to the rudest and most crudest reception for any head of State - especially for the President of the United States.

You can see in the video here.

First of all Biden was NOT allowed to land in Riyadh the capital of Saudi Arabia. His plane had to land in Jeddah.

Neither the King nor the Crown Prince were there to greet him. They sent just two people the Mayor of Jeddah and an unidentified woman to greet the President of the United States. In Arab culture it is enough of an insult if a man has to talk to a woman in public but here thy sent some lady-assistant to shake hands with the President of the United States.

You can see in the video there is not ONE guard of honour or military salute to receive Joseph Biden. There is no one. Just a few stragglers and the mayor and the lady assistant.

Talk is neither the King nor the Crown Prince even attended the official dinner for Joseph Biden.

And Biden did not get any of the three things he wanted from the Saudis

1. to increase oil production

2. to form some sort of Arab NATO

3. to immediately establish Saudi-Israeli diplomatic ties.

Nothing happened. Watch the video. At the end of the video you can see one American fellow obviously complaining to the Mayor of Jeddah about the really poor reception they have shown to the American President.

The United States has obviously lost its perch in the Middle East and elsewhere.


  1. Let's Go Brandon....
    By all means insult Bidin...weak, semi-senile President.

    But the Saudi's better beware about needlessly insulting the institution of the US President.. they live in a nasty corner of the world, and sooner or later, they will be running to look for protection for their security.

    MBS is dreaming if he can get that security from Ruzia or Tiongkok.

    1. If it's a internal fightings w/o existential external supports then it's an internal affair if that SA.

      So, why should Russia/China get involved?

      In yr wettest dream, ye uncle Sam MUST get his hands, dirty &/or otherwise, to prove his worth as a policman of the world.

      Now that the US homeland is less depends on external oil, all those ME scoundrels can go f*ck themselves kaw-kaw as far as the national interests of the USofA r not been violated.

      Thus, mfer, yr ever present self-righteous uncle Sam is no more for these ME nations to look up to for ANY helps.

      But that would not be the scenes u see in yr wettest dream! Bet on it!
