Saturday, February 19, 2022

Tan Sri who didn't pay maid for 12 years ought to be sent to Ass-binte for "punishment" since govt acting 'dunno'

Glad maid finally paid, now what about ‘Tan Sri’?

YOURSAY | ‘He should not get away by paying the bare minimum.’

'Tan Sri' pays up over RM100K, domestic worker heads home

Vijay47: Dear Ms “East Java”, we are very glad your 12-year hell has finally come to an end.

Yes, take the money and leave, but the moment you touch down on Indonesian soil, lodge a police report against that devil of an employer who even holds the title of Tan Sri.

We fully understand that lodging such a report while still in Malaysia may result in all manner of unpleasant consequences for you.

By the way, that Tan Sri deserves his son, a cheap, vindictive chip off the old blockhead, who had the nerve to claim a miserable RM500 from you after all that his family had made you suffer.

What a wonderful future lies ahead for you. Freedom, being with your family again, and having a farm to manage. Have a great life!

And to Malaysiakini, congratulations for publicising her case and assisting her to live happily ever after. God knows we badly need occasional good news.

Meanwhile, Human Resources Minister M Saravanan? Who’s that?

Tiktok: Twelve years of constant berating? This Tan Sri should pay much more than just her outstanding wages.

Titles and money do not buy class. I have no respect for titled people who see others as beneath them. What kind of upbringing did this Tan Sri have?

One day the tables will turn and you'll be at the mercy of people who have to change your diapers. I wish the former domestic worker the best.

BobbyO: This is injustice. Even though for the maid, RM100,000 may be quite a sum for her, her “Tan Sri” ex-employer managed to get away by deducting all his expenses and only pay wages for the normal working hours.

Mental abuse, physical abuse, 18 hours of work per day, her pay should have compounded interest equivalent to if it was saved in a bank, when you consider all the atrocities committed against the maid wasn’t taken into consideration.

Her employer should be brought to trial and face the consequences for the many laws that he has broken. Again, it clearly shows the double standards practised in this nation between the VIPs and the average person.

They should have made sure the “Tan Sri” pays for the atrocities and the hours of work that the maid put in.

He should not get away with paying the bare minimum after having gained from the many extra hours put in by the maid. He should be exposed and humiliated.

Annonnymous 080: “She managed her chores for the family of six adults and two infants in a large five-bedroom house in Kota Damansara.”

Such a family size and home are so common nowadays, especially in Shah Alam and Kota Damansara where, somehow, senior civil servants have acquired large tracts of land to build palatial grounds to house all current and future family members as well as pay for their living expenses.

I know a few more in Klang Valley neighbourhoods who have 13 air conds, eight rooms, 10 cars parked in their house compound and roads, with the Tok Pa and Tok Mami paying for almost everything.

The purchase of nasi lemak bungkus for breakfast of the family is easily a fresh RM50 note daily!

Appum: This kind of reporting will demonstrate to those titled elites they are not above the law. In fact, they should be role models to society.

Secondly, the authorities concerned should use whatever laws available to take legal action against such exploitation to show the world we have justice in this country and the law does not favour the elites only.

Thirdly, the public really feels that this person does not deserve to carry the title of "Tan Sri" and he should return this title. If he refuses, strip him of it.

BrownLion2645: The Indonesian embassy is doing a good job protecting its citizens. Several cases of abuse were highlighted by them.

I wonder how Malaysian embassies would have acted to protect or help Malaysians overseas.

OCT: Some of these people with titles are scum. They don't know how to conduct themselves in an honourable way to live up to their titles.

The rakyat has seen a person with so many titles become a kleptocrat and convicted felon. Yet no attempt is made to withdraw his titles. There were a few cases of those with titles sexually assaulting their maids.

All these people seem to be above the law with nobody daring to prosecute them. They think they have the money and connections to ‘kau tim’ (settle) anything and everything.

It is ironic that a simple and honest rakyat has to be subjected to all sorts of punishment for a small infraction of law while those VVIPs with titles can get away scot-free or with a slap of the wrist.

All these give the impression that these VVIPs are untouchable. This is the main reason why VVIPs are brave to commit offences with impunity.

Knucklehead: Thanks to the Tan Sri, the Americans and Europeans will keep screaming forced labour in Malaysia. And rightfully so.

Now, what are our ministers and ministries going to do about it? Just because he is a Tan Sri, sweep the issue under the carpet? What? The cat got your tongue?

1 comment:

  1. Name the tan Sri so he may be publically humiliated as he deserves
