Monday, October 04, 2021

Umno PM, but not an Umno govt, says Tok Mat

Umno PM, but not an Umno govt, says Tok Mat

Umno deputy president Mohamad Hasan says the people must understand that the party and government are different entities.

PETALING JAYA: The federal government may be led by an Umno leader but not all of Putrajaya’s policies are in line with the party’s stand, says Umno deputy president Mohamad Hasan.

Mohamad, who is commonly known as Tok Mat, said the people needed to understand that Umno and the government were separate entities because the party was not running the government on its own.

“There are party policies that the government cannot support, and there are government policies that are not in line with the party’s stand,” he said in an interview with Umno Online.

One such policy, he said, was the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s government and Pakatan Harapan leaders to bring about “political stability and transformation”.

“Many people ask us about the MoU when the party still says ‘No Anwar, No DAP’ and ‘No Bersatu’ for the next election.”

He said Umno remained firm in its “No Anwar, No DAP” stand as resolved in the party’s annual general meeting.

Mohamad said he understood the rationale for the political pact. It was better if the government called for a political ceasefire to ensure it could focus on managing the country especially with the pandemic and economic recovery.

“The PM cannot always be wondering whether he has majority support. So now there is an agreement in place until next July, so the government or PM does not need to worry and the Cabinet can focus on managing the country and the Covid-19 crisis,” Mohamed said.


  1. Nothing new here. We had/have a Chinese-only party in Malaysian gomen for 60 years but no Chinese representation.

  2. Malaysia is one of the few countries with official vernacular education. Funded by the government where you can he educated in your mother tongue. Hence in msia we can be educated in chinese with the medium of instruction chines. SG abolished this years ago.

    Who brought this about? MCA. When people get scammed or cheated where do they go to? MCA. Who started TARC and UTAR? MCA. What is the pct of Chinese biliionaires in MY? Who do you think helped them?

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      MCA brought official vernacular education in m'sia!

      Wow… wow…

      Spurious official vernacular education fart of no substance!

      If not bcoz of the various vernacular education pioneers, fighting tooth and nail with the power that be, vernacular education in m'sia would be followed the footsteps of the reddot counterpart when the first destructive melayu educational report surfaced!


      "What is the pct of Chinese biliionaires in MY? Who do you think helped them?"

      How about they helped themselves when the opportunities strike?

      How many melayu who were/r given much much better silver-plated opportunities made/make to that class with TRUE selfefforts?

      How many just squandered away for quick instant gain that supposedly to last for their seven generations?
