Saturday, May 15, 2021

Minister Hishamuddin will achieve zilch in his M-E efforts

MM Online:

Minister: Malaysia to speak out against Israel’s aggression at Sunday’s extraordinary OIC meeting

Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein who will be representing Malaysia to the meeting said said Malaysia will continue to stand in strong solidarity with the people of Palestine in wake of Israeli aggression. — Bernama pic

KUALA LUMPUR, May 15 — Malaysia will call for the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to take tougher stand and maximum possible efforts to protect Palestinians from Israel’s hostile acts, during the OIC virtual extraordinary meeting tomorrow.

Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein who will be representing Malaysia to the meeting said Malaysia will continue to stand in strong solidarity with the people of Palestine in wake of Israeli aggression.

“At the meeting tomorrow, I will convey Malaysia’s strong and unequivocal stand against Israel’s aggressions to the OIC,” he said in a statement today.

The Virtual Open-Ended Extraordinary Meeting of the OIC Executive Committee at the level of the Foreign Ministers is called to discuss the aggression by Israel, the occupying power in the Palestinian Territories, particularly in Al-Quds Al-Shareef.

On another development, Hishammuddin said he had been in constant communication with Brunei’s Foreign Affairs Minister II Datuk Seri Setia Haji Erywan Mohd Yusof and Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi to reach a consensus amongst Southeast Asia’s Muslim countries regarding Palestine.

“Collectively, we strongly condemn the Israeli attacks against Palestinians, and call for Israel to immediately stop its aggression across the Occupied Palestinian Territory,” he said. — Bernama


kt notes:

Hisham knows his promises to condemn Israel and to urge the OIC to take a stronger stand against the Jewish State are mere tok-kok.

For a start the OIC is bloody useless; second, the key to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict lies with the USA, not with the OIC nor the Quartet on the Middle-East, comprising the UN, US, Russia, EU.

The short answer is that the US is strongly supporting, condoning and financing Israeli aggression in the region (not just against the Palestinians).

I have frequently mentioned the USA was and still is a 'religious slave' to Israel. Every US President feared/still fears the powerful Christian Right votes (Trump's backers until he eff-ed up).

We must bear in mind the Christian Right is devoted completely to Israel, the Holy Land where Jesus Christ will return when 'Hebrews walk that land', thus the Christian Right will see to it, within their voting and lobbying powers to ensure the US backs Israel, regardless, so that 'Hebrews continue to walk the Holy Land' to enable, ensure, enhance the Resurrection & Return of Jesus Christ - such is their devotion. Appealing to the US to restrain Israel is futile as was realised by Presidents George Bush Senior (not Junior) and Barack Obama.

And that has been why Israel would always vet the Dead Sea Scrolls and such-like discoveries to avoid disillusioning (religiously) the American Christian Right with revelations of radical contradictions to the Bible.

The Israeli know it, that the USA was and still is a 'religious slave' to Israel, and would never hesitate to eff the US when convenient, as it did on 08 June 1967 when its warplanes and warships strafed the USS Liberty with impunity, killing 34 crew members and wounding 171.

The US had earlier elbowed Egypt and Jordan to have diplomatic relations with Israel through enticements of all forms of aid (financial, military, economic), and recently in 2020 successfully 'persuaded' four more Arab League countries, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Sudan and Morocco to do likewise. So what eff-ing good will Hisham's appeal to the OIC be, bearing also in mind the biggest Arab Kahuna of all, the Saudi government, is in the pocket of the USA (for its own interest, of course)?

Not many realise the Saudi Intelligence works closely with the Israeli Mossad - likewise with the Egyptian Mukhabarat (Mossad equivalent) and the Jordanian General Intelligence Directorate (GID).

The Egyptians fear the Muslim Brotherhood whilst the Saudis and Jordanians fear the republican elements in that region, all of whom have very strong connections with Hamas. Mossad provides them with good intelligence on these 'republicans' to ensure they see it in their own interests to continue working agreeably with Israel to suppress Hamas.

The strongest Middle-East nations in actual support of the Palestinians (leaving aside the Sunni-Shia division) have been Turkey, Iran and the non-government of Hezbollah in Lebanon.



  1. a) Iran's stated national objective is the destruction of Israel.
    Hence the Iranian nuclear bomb project. Stupid Biden is knowingly walking into a trap, for ideological reasons.

    b) Hezbollah is just another terrorist organisation, brother of Hamas.
    c) Turkey under Erdoğan dreams of a 21st Century Ottoman Empire Mark II

    The Axis of Terrorists indeed.

  2. But H2O respek DaGe....or is it fear no mention of Uyghur brothers' sufferings...?

    Anwar: Hishammuddin’s ‘big brother’ remark makes Malaysia look servile to China
    Saturday, 03 Apr 2021

    KUALA LUMPUR, April 3 — PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has criticised Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein for using what he termed as inappropriate terminology during a working visit to China.

    Although he did not deny China is a friend to Malaysia with whom better trade and investment ties should be forged, Anwar expressed astonishment over the fact that Hishammuddin referred to the nation as Malaysia’s “big brother” during a meeting with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi.

    “This is not the language and style that should be used in the diplomatic world and international relations, as it seemingly implies Malaysia is a puppet to a foreign power,” he said in a statement.

    Anwar characterised Hishammuddin’s remarks as an insult to Malaysia, a country which does not support any of the world’s superpowers.

    “The minister should immediately apologise to the Malaysian rakyat, and withdraw his tactless remark,” he said in a Facebook post.

    Hishammuddin visited China as part of the republic’s efforts to reach out to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) in resolving the ongoing political crisis in Myanmar.

    The meeting took place on Thursday, where the minister was reported to have told Wang that China and Malaysia are brothers, and that China would always be Malaysia’s elder brother.

    1. By now, every country foreign ministry that deals with Malaysia would be aware H2O is just a DaGe toady.

      Nobody is going to take H2O seriously at all...regardless where that country stands with regard to DaGe

    2. Wakakakakaka…

      The problem is who's the closet dage that this moron actually ampu-ed?

      Superficially doesn't count. Just like all u mfers' cries for humanity r just crocodile tears of banality.

      A gamesmanship fir pampering yr f*cked ego of one-upmanship!

  3. Why do 1,800,000,000 Muslims via the OIC want to gang up on 7 million Israeli Jews? Just look at the FACTS:

    In 1939, at the outset of WW2, there were 16.7 million Jews in the entire world. Six years later, after the Holocaust, there were 10 million left. More than 70 years later, in 2019, the global Jewish population was 14.7 million, meaning they have not even recovered to the pre-Holocaust level yet. This is mainly because Jews do not proselytize. They don’t go around banging Bibles preaching fire and brimstone or convert people trough trickery, marriage or Hotel California.

    The only Jewish country in the entire world is Israel, which is the size of Perak. That is all the land they have. In every other country they are only a tiny tiny minority. Just imagine, 14.7 million Jews, which is less than half the population of Malaysia, crammed into Perak.

    In contrast there are dozens of countries that are supposedly “Islamic”, from Morocco in the West to Indonesia in the East.

    Now look at the growth in numbers of Muslims worldwide:
    Year World pop Muslim Pop Islamic followers share (%)
    1800 1 billion 91 million (9.1%)
    1900 1.6 billion 200 million (12.5%)
    1970 3.7 billion 577 million (15.6%)
    2000 6.14 billion 1.291 billion (21%)
    2013 7.21 billion 1.635 billion (22.7%)
    2016 7.46 billion 1.8 billion (24.1%)
    2020 7.8 billion 2 billion (25.7%)

    So can we blame Israel for being paranoid about their safety and security? Just like the Malay-Muslims should have no fear of the Chinese or Indians because they are minorities and their population is being swamped, Muslims worldwide should have no fear over the Israeli Jews, you just have to understand their position.

    1. U have so conveniently ignored the Zionist Jews diehard financial & military supports from pommie & Yankee brinkmanships to their political counterparts. That cursed land is just a playground, far far away from their home ground, to manifest their religion political farce.

      Of course, the inherent blood feuds of those inter-cult rivalries played to the benefit of the Zionist plot!

      But how do u know? U r just a known nothing cloaking katak dwelled under that fart filled well.

    2. You forgot that Arab nations too buy all their arms from the west, not only from USA but also Russia, France etc and Palestinians can always call upon their oil-rich Arab neighbours for monetary support, something Israel cannot count on.

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      Truly blurred mfer of know-nothing!

      In term of military hardware supplies, there r no match for the Yankees! Especially for the defense of Zionist Jews.

      Know why there r so few casualties within the Israel as targeted by the thousands of Hama's missiles?

      Iron Dome (Hebrew: כִּפַּת בַּרְזֶל‎, kippat barzel) a mobile all-weather air defense system!

      & the best part is iron dome missile tracking radar can easily identify & detect any missiles available on this cursed land!


      Go ask yr uncle Sam!

      So how good r those military hardwares bought by those Arab nations?

      For the defense of Israel, no amount of money can buy u effective weapons from uncle Sam.

      In truth, they all got 2nd or 3rd rated versions with premium prices. Just like those Formosa dickheads r paying.

  4. If the entire Muslim Ummah unites in Jihad, they will overwhelm even the Evil Israelis and their Evil American backers.....
    but just fat hopes. ...wakakakaka...

    1. Fat hope as in the continuous background manipulations of the various inter-cult blood feud by the Zionist sympathisers!

    2. Beware.. After the Jihadists have slaughtered the Jews, they will come for the Infidel Chinese Communists...

    3. Mfer of the heinous fart, if u have read those senseless killings happened in Urumqi & Guangzhou by those radicalised Uyghurs u would have known that they had tried.

      But met with total failure.
