Thursday, November 10, 2005

Revised Dr Azahari's Fate - Shot, not Bombed!

New Indon police story on Azahari.

Apparently he was shot dead by police, and did not trigger the bomb in a suicide. The police changed their story stating that it was another militant, identified as Arman, who died alongside Azahari, who had pulled the cord on an explosive-lined vest

The police added that Azahari had tried to do the same, but failed and instead died when police downed him in a hail of gunfire. Indon military chief Sutanto claimed that Azahari's body is still intact, revising the earlier and more macabre version of Azahari being decapitated by the explosion.

Sutanto asserted that Azahari has been positively identified through his fingerprints. Sutanto said theat there has been a match of Azahari’s fingerprints taken in Indonesia in 1998 and when he was a teenager in Malaysia in the 1960s.

The revised story sounds a bit dodgy because if his body was intact, why then did they go down that 'decapitated' path yesterday? I suspect it's because the Indons may want to avoid making that bloke a suicide matyr.

Aussie federal police chief Keelty believed Azahari had killed in excess of 250 people in four separate bombings in the last three years, and was unlikely to cooperate if he was taken alive. Keelty admitted that the former don was a determined and quite intelligent individual.

Meanwhile in KL, Baharuddin Ismail, a Suaram activist, speaking on behalf of Azahari’s family, said Azahari’s family particularly his wife Noraini has accepted his fate, but would like his body back for proper burial. They seek Wismaputra’s help to recover the corpse. Azahari’s family has not seen him since 2001 when he fled the authorities.


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