Wednesday, August 03, 2005

12 Good Reasons for being Singaporeans

an oldie but worth revisiting ;-) some aspects may be a bit dated but I have attempted to update them where I can

1. We are Singaporeans, not Chinese.

2. Everyone hates us except ourselves.

3. We have our own island.

4. Proud of our world class airport, world class MRT, world class airline, world class ........

5. We know how to spell 'Salvatore Ferragamo'.

6. We know how to enjoy vacation in Malaysia - keep a few RM50 notes before you enter the highway, can throw anything, anytime, anywhere and always wash our cars at the resort.

7. The men are always concerned - first question to ask a girl "Do you have CPF?"

8. Never fear getting lost in our country - S$20 taxi ride will get you INto the sea.

9. We'll never have to worry about finding Mr or Ms Right because Government will find one for us.

10. 1 Sing = 2.26 ringgit, nyeh-nyeh-nyeh ...

11. It's OK to be kiasu (scared of losing), kiasee (scared of dying), kiabaw (scared of wife), kiaboe (scared of having nothing), kiachenghu (scared of the government) - it's part of our culture.

12. Our Island and us are blessed by two gods so long as we worship them, namely Kuan Yin the Goddess of Mercy, and Kuan Yew the God of No Mercy.

Next - 12 Good Reasons for being Aussies


  1. I so agree with (1). Many Malaysians still loves to emphasis the difference between 'Malay', 'Chinese', 'Indian' or 'MatSalleh'.

  2. Well Jon, I share your feelings though I understand why Malaysians do so - they are being made acutely aware of their ethnic differences by the system and the government.
