Friday, July 08, 2005

London under Attack - Death Toll Will Climb - More Bodies

London Police has confirmed that death toll is indeed at least 50 but will continue to rise because there are still a number of unrecovered bodies in the Tube train at Russell Square. However, the Metropolitan Police Head thinks the final figure is unlikely to exceed 100. It seems Sky News was pretty correct in its figure of 75 killed last night.

700 have been injured, with 100 still in hospital. Of these 22 are in serious or critical conditions. Australian casualties numbered 9 (3 men and 6 women) with 2 in critical states.

1 comment:

  1. Some people are only aware of, or largely aware of, impulses toward anger, because they have inhibited those natural impulses toward love that would otherwise temper what seemed to be aggressive impulses.

    Hate creates destruction on earth and until the lessons are learned, destruction follows destruction... In the terms of other systems, that kind of destruction does not exist - but you believe that it does, and the agonies of dying are sorely felt. It is not that you must be taught not to destroy, for destruction does not actually exist. It is that you must be trained to create responsibly.

    The weapons of destruction are the obvious things that you see. The counterparts are not so evident, and yet it is the counterparts that are important: the self-discipline learned, the control, the compassion that is finally aroused, and that final and last lesson - the positive desire for creativity and love over destruction and hatred. When this is learned, the cycle is finished.
