Sunday, August 25, 2024

Umno will lose identity if remains allied to 'rotten fish' DAP - Perak PAS

Umno will lose identity if remains allied to 'rotten fish' DAP - Perak PAS

Published: Aug 25, 2024 3:05 PM

Perak PAS commissioner Razman Zakaria warned that Umno risks losing its identity due to its alliance with DAP.

Razman contends that, under the leadership of Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Perak BN chief Saarani Mohamad, this alliance appears to be motivated by a desire to protect specific individuals within Umno.

Rather than focusing on PAS’ past cooperation with DAP, Razman (above) argued that the real issue is why Umno maintains its relationship with DAP despite acknowledging that the collaboration was becoming a liability at their recent annual general assembly (AGM).

"If Saarani argues that PAS and Bersatu once worked with DAP, we have distanced ourselves from a DAP that has clearly gone rotten, a fact Umno itself admitted in their AGM.

“So, why is Umno now gravitating towards this 'rotten fish'? Pursuing power at any cost could lead Umno to lose its name and face the wrath of its own people,” he said.

Yesterday, Free Malaysia Today reported Saarani's reminder to PAS and Bersatu about their past alliance with DAP as they mock the coalition government with the “UmDAP” moniker.

Perak Umno chief Saarani Mohamad

PAS had previously worked with DAP under the Pakatan Rakyat pact before severing ties in 2015 due to disagreements over the implementation hudud law in Kelantan.

On that note, Razman urged Saarani to clarify Umno's decision to ally with DAP and PKR president Anwar Ibrahim.

"Saarani should not deflect by connecting PAS or Bersatu with DAP to obscure the ‘No Anwar No DAP’ slogan chanted at Umno's last meeting before GE15.

“He needs to explain why Umno rejected PAS, which was once part of Muafakat Nasional for Malay unity and instead chose to align with DAP and Anwar, whom they opposed in the AGM before GE15," Razman added.

Why ignore Malay unity?

The PAS leader then gave his own interpretation of why Saarani chose a different path despite recognising the benefits of working with PAS and Perikatan Nasional for strong Malay unity in Perak.

"Umno, under Zahid and Saarani, seems more focused on protecting a few leaders rather than preserving Malay power," Razman said.

Following the 2022 state by-election, no coalition held a convincing majority in Perak, with PN winning 26 seats, Harapan 24 and BN nine.

To form a state government, the ruling party or coalition needs 30 out of 59 state seats. Harapan and BN formed a pact, leading to Saarani's re-appointment as Perak menteri besar.

1 comment:

  1. All the ketuanan politicians are worse than rotten fish
    Just excrement
