Friday, February 09, 2024

Tun Daim is mistaken. Anwar does not appear to be someone who harbours grudges and carry out vendettas

Tun Daim is mistaken. Anwar does not appear to be someone who harbours grudges and carry out vendettas

9 Feb 2024 • 5:30 PM MYT

Used to do a bit of work in corporate restructuring, corporate `undertaker.

Image Credit: Anwar Ibrahim Facebook

In an interview with Al Jazeera, PM10 said the Pardons Board decision on the application by Najib for a pardon was fair.

This is the man who was jailed in 2015 for 5 years following a second sodomy conviction where he accused the then Prime Minister Najib of orchestrating his conviction and five-year jail sentence for sodomy.

Following that, his family petitioned for a royal pardon.

It was rejected by the director-general of the legal division of the Prime Minister’s Department who also sits on the secretariat of the Pardons Board where Najib was the PM then, states that Anwar's custodial sentence should be maintained.

If Tun Daim claimed Anwar is vindictive and carries a vendetta, Anwar did not showed it.

What he has shown so far, publicly, was his magnamity and ability to rise above personal feelings when he called the decision by the Pardons Board on Najib’s application fair.

Calling the reduced sentence by the Pardons Board on the man whom Anwar alleged in 2015 that orchestrated his conviction and put him away for 5 years in 2015 appears to show the man is not vindictive.

The alleged conspiracy against Anwar was that he performed acts against nature with a person of the same sex which is a crime in this country. No one was hurt.

No members of the public had to bear the costs of the alleged act.

Whereas in Najib's case, the courts ruled that he had indeed stolen public's monies.

His action caused untold miseries and sufferings on present day Malaysians as the monies could have been utilised to improve and provide social infrastructure and safety nets for the ordinary rakyat.

Those who were born after the 1MDB debacle will grow up indebted due to no fault of theirs.

For a lesser mortal, he or she will never forgive the perpetrator who not only conspire with others to jail him but have the prosecution doing a roadshow after the passing of the judgment by the courts to explain the whole thing to the ordinary rakyat further humiliating and demean the character and virtues of the man, PM10.

As the Prime Minister now where he could have `influenced’ the Pardons Board on Najib’s application like how Najib `influenced’ Anwar’s application for a royal pardon in 2015, he claimed he didn’t do so.

As he explained profusely over the last few days, that decision rests with the Agong and not the government or the Pardons Board.

How magnanimous of Anwar.

Even though the actions of Najib has caused untold misery and indebted the nation and generations of Malaysia, now and in the future, for fairness, Anwar ensured a transparent process in the application by Najib.

In fact his hands off approach in the application for a pardon by Najib sends a clear signal to Tun Daim that should he be found guilty and sentenced eventually by the highest courts in the land, Anwar will also adopts a hands off approach if Daim is to apply for a pardon from the Pardons Board.

Unless Tun Daim is of the view and believes that all these claims of non interference and the granting of a pardon, albeit conditional, was another charade planned and orchestrated by the wolf in the sheep’s clothing – a term Daim used to describe Anwar recently.

If so, the ordinary rakyat sincerely request Tun Daim to show proof that Anwar is indeed a wolf in the sheep’s clothing who orchestrated this conditional pardon episode that have seen Anwar and the government receiving nothing but brickbats from the ordinary rakyat and alienating their supporters.

If you failed to show proof, you are just another one of those political elites who loves to cry wolf.

For Anwar, the ordinary rakyat, the scoundrels, the thiefs, the robbers has this plea to him.

Be fair in the judicious process and transparent to them too.

Similarly like Najib's right to seek pardon like any other Malaysian, do not delay or deprive the ordinary rakyat, the scoundrels, the thiefs, the robbers their rights too in seeking a fair and judicious conclusion to their cases.

1 comment:

  1. Power Hungry Anwar Madani is pulling out all the stops to ensure he remains in power... Including betraying his support base on institutional reforms and REAL fight against corruption.

    Getting Daim hung up is an easy step , especially with Daim likely having really conspired with Mahathir and PN to bring down the Madani Regime
