Friday, February 23, 2024

Teachers, students of various races gather for CNY celebration at Dong Zen Temple

Teachers, students of various races gather for CNY celebration at Dong Zen Temple

Temple’s chief abbess says celebration was true reflection of Malaysia.

Published on 22 Feb 2024 11:30AM

About 500 teachers and students attended the CNY 2024 unity event at the Dong Zeng Temple. – Sin Chew Daily, February 22, 2024.

ABOUT 500 teachers and students from national, Chinese, Tamil and Orang Asli national primary schools recently visited the Dong Zen Temple in Jenjarom, Selangor in conjunction with Chinese New Year (CNY).

According to reports in Sin Chew Daily, officers from the National Unity Ministry and the Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (Abim) were also present for the eighth-day CNY celebration.

An Indian girl in traditional attire tries her hand at making a paper dragon during the celebrations. – Sin Chew Daily, February 22, 2024.

The temple and the Happy Village Cultural Museum jointly organised the celebration.

During the celebration, the students played Chinese music as well as performed Indian, Ibok and folk dances for visitors at the temple.

Ven Jue Cheng, the chief abbess at the temple, said the celebration was a true reflection of Malaysia, without anyone thinking if he or she is Chinese, Malay or Indian.

“We plant the seeds of harmony here for the younger generation to live in peace and harmony in Malaysia,” she said, adding that the temple will organise similar events every year and also be part of festive celebrations by other ethnic groups.

Abim president Ahmad Fahmi Mohd Samsudin said such activities should be widely promoted to attract Malaysians of all ethnic groups to share the festive joy.

A Malay teacher and a student trying their hand at Chinese calligraphy. – Sin Chew Daily, February 22, 2024.

“Such events give Malaysians of all ethnic groups the chance to understand each other’s cultures better and foster greater harmony,” he said.

Rina Harun, who is the principal assistant secretary from the National Unity Ministry, said the ministry would be organising more similar events in the future.

“Such events not only reflect national unity but also the rich culture of the various Malaysian societies,” she added. – The Vibes, February 22, 2024


  1. This is Haram for Muslims to attend the event at Chinese Temple.

  2. Replies
    1. There r bottled juice & mineral water!

      Ain't they halal?

      Perhaps not to a zombie palsu!
