Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Curry Leaves Again - Throw Away After Use


Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Curry Leaves Again - Throw Away After Use


This is self explanatory. I have some views after this.


My Comments : Indian people have other options. You do not need Indian political parties. What you need are Indian candidates across many political parties. Not necessarily a dedicated Indian political party or parties.

But this is Option 2.

Option No. 1 is simple - the Indian voting bloc. 

In the 2018 elections there were 34  (?) Parliamentary seats which were won on narrow margins (less than 3000 votes if I recall that research paper done by YB Waythamoorthy) and where the number of Indian voters far outnumbers the winning margins.

This means the "minority" Indian voters in these "narrow margin" constituencies (if they vote as a bloc) determine who wins the seat. This is an extremely powerful and influential position.

What the Indian community can really use is an NGO (an NGO is enough) which can organise and channel this Indian voting bloc. Call it 'Pengundi Prihatin' (use a generic name, attractive for all Malaysians, who may also want to support the idea).

You dont need a political party. (Political parties can be bought, bribed, bribed with positions etc).

The NGO must then lay out what are their needs and suggestions and put that on their agenda. The agenda may be tweaked slightly to meet local conditions in Parliamentary and State seats. 

Long before the elections come by start beating the drums and educate the Indian voters in that area to only support candidates (from whichever political party) who can support the stated Indian agenda.

It has to be well publicised along the way. The events must culminate with a public endorsement of a candidate who can best endorse the Indian agenda. You help us, we vote for you.

No need to worry whether they invite you to speak on the stage or not. (Its not going to happen anyway). Keep it simple - count the Indian voters carefully in each constituency. Then channel their votes. It must be agenda based. Not party based. 

In Malaysia the vote is now permanently split. This presents opportunities to move the country forward.

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