Saturday, May 14, 2022

Why Putrajaya prefers quiet diplomacy in dealing with China’s maritime claims

Why Putrajaya prefers quiet diplomacy in dealing with China’s maritime claims

Thomas Benjamin Daniel says Malaysia is taking a ‘calculated approach’ in dealing with territorial disputes in the South China Sea. (Reuters pic)

PETALING JAYA: Putrajaya is pursuing its “quiet diplomacy” in dealing with territorial disputes in the South China Sea to prevent harm to the country, according to a foreign policy expert.

Thomas Benjamin Daniel, an analyst at the Institute of Strategic and International Studies, said Malaysia could not match the assets China could deploy in the South China Sea and this was why the government had refused to heed calls to be more aggressive.

“I believe that Malaysia takes a calculated approach to ensure that our actions and responses, while we continue to act within our rights, do not give China an excuse to escalate its presence and actions,” he told FMT.

Beijing has invested substantially in improving its military capabilities over the last two decades, a key factor in China’s dominating role in the South China Sea. These include developing and deploying ships and aircraft that could operate further and longer.

Many countries in the Asia Pacific region, such as Japan, Korea, Indonesia and Vietnam, have begun to increase their military spending, but Daniel said he believed China’s military assets remained unrivalled.

Malaysia’s budget for defence is only a small portion of its national budget.

“This means that Malaysia needs to think carefully about the best way to allocate its limited resources in terms of the threats that we face and what we need in the short, medium and long terms,” he said.

“Additionally, defence spending is never cheap. This adds an extra impetus to ensure that wastage and leakage are effectively plugged.”

Daniel said China’s encroachment in the South China Sea had affected economic activities such as those of small-time fishermen from Sabah.

The Chinese maritime agency’s intrusion into the Kasawari gas field in Malaysian waters was also of economic concern, he said.

Recently, Papar MP Ahmad Hassan of Warisan called for “stronger action” from the government against China’s encroachment into Malaysian waters, particularly off Sabah.

Ahmad pointed out that China’s latest J-20 fighter jets had been found conducting regular patrols and drills over the South China Sea since early April.

He also noted that the Royal Malaysian Navy had reported 23 cases of intrusions in 2021 alone.


  1. Malaysia's "Quiet Diplomacy" facing China reaches ridiculous levels of silence , being supine and servile.

    Contrast that to Malaysia's loud , almost rude, condemnation of AUKUS and the Australian Nuclear submarine project, and the Malaysian Defence Minister going to Beijing to receive his instructions.

    1. Liken to yrs genuflecting & bootlicking attitude to yr uncle Sam!

  2. Malaysia's refusal to stand up and be counted on the issue of the Barbaric Invasion of Ukraine by its powerful neighbour is an idiotic refusal to defend the principles of sovereignty, respect for national borders and non-interference in another country - all principles that matter in facing China.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      Know-nothing farts!

      Before u keep to yr constant chants of " defend the principles of sovereignty, respect for national borders and non-interference in another country", can u get yr knowledge sources RIGHT?

      Ooop… there r just that much of foul gaseous permeating inside that fart filled well!

    2. BTW, "Barbaric Invasion of Ukraine"!

      Then what r the carpet bombings of Serbia, Iraq & Syria by yr uncle Sam known?

      Merciful policing, right, mfer!
