Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Fissure in PAS a threat to Hadi?

Nik Abduh: PAS must explain why it removed Khairuddin

A PAS leader has urged the party to explain why Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali was booted out from the PAS central committee.

The Kuala Nerus MP was removed last week via an apparent “unanimous” decision but no detailed reason was given.

Calling himself a “close friend” of Khairuddin, PAS central committee member Nik Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz (above, right) today urged the party to be transparent about what transpired.

“Fruits fall either because they are ripe or due to strong winds. Fruits can also fall when they are cut or beaten by children using a pole.

“There are reasons for why fruits fall.

“If this is a matter of party discipline, there needs to be an explanation to the public, not only to party members. This is also because the sacking was officially confirmed by the PAS leadership to the public,” he said on Facebook.

Nik Abduh pointed out that Khairuddin is a top leader in that he is a parliamentarian and secretary of the PAS Syura council.

He was also former plantation industries and commodities minister albeit for a little over a year - from 2020 to 2021.

“If he was removed over a disciplinary issue, this will be a scar on the congregation’s integrity. Three parties will be affected by this scar - Khairuddin himself, his supporters and surely the Syura council as well.

“Hence I think an official explanation should be issued immediately. This will help create a good perception for PAS, which is now governing the country.

PAS is now governing the country

“Everything must be transparent when it comes to party members who are accountable to the people as he (Khairuddin) is the Kuala Nerus MP," Nik Abdul stressed.

Takiyuddin's challenge was wrong

Nik Abdul further noted that Khairuddin was among the biggest proponents of PAS’ Muafakat Nasional alliance with Umno.

The Islamist party’s relationship with Umno has been on the decline in recent months ever since it appeared to side with Umno’s arch-enemy Bersatu.

PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan

Over the weekend, PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan denied that Khairuddin’s sacking was due to his pro-Muafakat stance.

Takiyuddin even challenged him to state on record that he was removed due to this.

Today, Nik Abduh opined that Takiyuddin had erred in issuing such a challenge.

“It is bad when a main figure in the party challenges Khairuddin to state why he was removed.

“It is as if (Takiyuddin) was threatened and reacted out of anger.

“Logically, it is Khairuddin who ought to be challenging (Takiyuddin) because he’s the one who should feel threatened or angry for being dropped over a disciplinary offence, which he himself does not officially know about yet,” Nik Abduh claimed.

Defeated, appointed then removed

Khairuddin’s sacking happened less than two months after he was appointed as a central committee member.

He was earlier defeated in November 2021’s PAS election.

His allies Nik Abduh and Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki were also defeated in the party polls.

Like Khairuddin, Nik Abduh and Zuhdi were later appointed to the central committee.

Khairuddin's sacking indicates that the fissure in PAS over Umno and Bersatu persists.

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